
Showing posts from 2023

Cool Mantra to improve your health and happiness in one minute

Improve your health and happiness in one minute In this article you will see that how in a minute you can do so many exercises which will not only give good health but also happiness. Try any one of these 60 seconds activities to easily reap the healthy benefits 1. Smile Smiling can actually make you happier. So go ahead—smile! 2. Sit up straighter   Did you know that bad posture can put unnecessary stress on your low back? Take a minute to focus on sitting up straight with your shoulders down and back. Don’t you feel better already 3. Drink a tall glass of water We all know the many health benefits of drinking water, but did you also know that even mild dehydration can cause fatigue? So, the next time you feel your energy waning, grab a glass of cold water and guzzle it down! 4. Do 20 jumping jacks   Research has shown that long periods of sitting can be detrimental to the body and our overall health. So get up out of that chair and j...

How to Cut Calories without Dieting

How to Cut Calories without Dieting in 2018 The word "diet" doesn’t always mean eating less to lose weight—although that’s what we commonly associate it with today. Someone "on a diet" is trying to eat less, or stop eating sweets to fit into a smaller pant size. ow to  Diet has another meaning. It also describes the food that you normally consume—following a vegetarian diet, an American diet, or "My diet consists of meat and potatoes." Improving your normal diet by making gradual, but permanent changes is a healthier way to lose weight than by just restricting calories. Low calorie and fad diets can have serious health implications—insufficient vitamin and nutritional intake, lethargy, slowed metabolism, hormonal effects, and even dehydration. Dieters commonly experience intense feelings of hunger and deprivation, which can lead to "cheating" or bingeing over time. Here are a few tips to help you decrease your caloric intake without "di...