5 Easy Steps to get a flatter your stomach Like celebrity in 2011
Sometimes your digestive health is not just about what you eat, but also how you eat. Here are five things that may help flatten your stomach 1. Chew food slowly and well Swallowed air can cause bloating, so try not to eat on the run or rush through your meals. It may also cause gas, burping and abdominal pain—even more reason to chew your food thoroughly before swallowing. 2 Skip the salt shaker The sodium found in salt encourages your body to retain water. Of course, the majority of our daily sodium intake comes from processed foods, so be sure to read nutrition labels, and watch out for salty snacks. Instead of salt, add some flavour to dishes with grated lemon rind or your favourite fresh or dried herbs. 3. Avoid using drinking straws Again, air is the problem. When you use a drinking staw, you swallow more often than normal, resulting in additional air that can cause unpleasant belly expansion and annoying pressure. 4. Don’...