Save money and eat healthy in 2021
Eat healthy and save money This is my new article on saving money and eating healthy. In this post you will get new idea to eat healthy on budget. Lentils are a delicious, low-cost substitute for meat; they cook quickly and can be used in a wide variety of dishes. Why to eat lentils? Lentils can be an important part of a healthy eating plan for people who are following a vegetarian diet, looking to lose weight, reduce cholesterol, or manage diabetes. •Lentils are high in fiber and protein. They are a good source of folate, potassium and iron. They are also naturally low in fat and sodium. •Lentils are a part of the Meat and Alternatives food group in Canada's Food Guide. One Food Guide serving of lentils is ¾ cup (175 mL). That's about the size of a tennis ball. •Dried lentils have no sodium (salt) but canned lentils do. Reduce the sodium by draining and rinsing canned lentils under cold, running water. Different type of Lentils Lentils come in...