Free Advice on diminishing the Health Risk of Daylight saving time (back your clock)
Health Risk of Daylight saving time (2013) This year Day light saving starts-Sunday, November 3, 2018: 2:00 AM back to 1:00 AM Daylight saving time comes to an end this weekend, meaning a precious extra hour of sleep. A recent poll shows nearly a quarter people surveyed would use that time to get that extra hour of sleep, another twenty-eight per cent said they would get some much needed work done around the house. Twenty per cent said they would spend more time with family and friends, but only eight per cent said they would devote the extra hour to community service. The official time change is 2 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 3, 2012 . With most people moving their clocks and watches back one hour before going to bed Saturday night. Making sure they are not late for church services or other Sunday morning activities. For some people, it is not easy winding the clock forward by one hour as part of the daylight saving schedule. There are those who complain that daylight saving time affec...