
Showing posts with the label E.Coli infection

2011 E.Coli infection, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention (update)

The warm, watery, organic growing environment suspected as the source of a deadly E.coli outbreak in Germany may produce delicious, nutritious bean sprouts, but is also an ideal breeding ground for the dangerous bacteria. Bean sprouts are often prime suspects in E.coli outbreaks around the world, and healths experts say it is no surprise the hunt for source of the lethal strain that has killed 22 people and made more than 2,200 sick has led to an organic bean farmer.Some says the case raises questions about the future of organic growing methods."Bean sprouts are very frequently the cause of outbreaks on both sides of the Atlantic . They're very difficult to grow hygienically and you have to be so careful not to contaminate them," said Paul Hunter, a professor of public health at Britain 's University of East Anglia ."And organic farms, with all that they entail in terms of not using ordinary chemicals and non-organic fertilizers, carry an extra risk."Hunt...