
Showing posts with the label extra on Waistline

Advice to Enjoy 2011 Holiday Menu without putting some extra on Waistline -Part 3

This is third part of my blog on Tips to Enjoy 2011 Holiday Menu without Gaining Extra Waistline. 2nd Blog on free-tips-to-enjoy-2011-holiday-menu You can enjoy holiday food in 2011 , with little or no weight gain? Yes this can be done! Follow these tips and enjoy.Here you find some free tips to revise your holiday’s food menu with some healthy choices: 12. Choose foods that are steamed When you are eating out, with your family, try to eat Baked, broiled or roasted meat. Select meat, fish, poultry or vegetables prepared with lemon, tomato and herbs instead of butter, rich sauces. 13. Avoid skipping meals.   Not eating throughout the day can lead to overeating later in the day. Instead, have several small nutritious snacks or meals during the day. Try low-fat yogurt, fruit or fruit salad, vegetable sticks, leafy green salads, whole grain bread or bagels, low-fat muffins, bean burritos, hummus and pita bread, chili, tortilla wraps, rice d...