Which one is best deal Pass to see New York top attractions - CityPASS or New York Pass?
Save more Money to See New York in 2014 you are planning to see good places in big apple and also want some saving, you must read my article. There are two discount passes that you can purchase before you go to New York. The New York CityPASS and, the New York Pass. With both of these passes you can visit top attractions. But which pass should you choose? First of all it is good to know for how long you will be visiting New York and how long you wish to spend visiting attractions (and not for example cycling in Central Park). This will determine which pass is best for you. The New York CityPASS is easy to use and valid for nine days from the time of its first use. In contrast, the New York Pass is available for one, two, three, five or seven calendar days from the time of its first use. What are top attractions includes in these passes? Both passes are a lot cheaper than buying separate tickets for each of the attractions. If you visit the Empire State Building and t...