2011 -Free Administrative Jobs Practice Sample Questions Part 1
This test measures the ability to perform Administrative Jobs as well as speed and accuracy of applicants. Sample questions and answers for each part are provided in the end. If you want to pass make sure you practice on these questions to understand the instructions and the method in which the answers were obtained. Part 1 Arithmetic Indicate which of the five answer choices you think is correct. Q 1. Add: 49 + 26 + 35 + 7 = The answer is: 1.110 2.117 3.77 4.97 5. None of the above Q 2. Subtract: 8876 - 5431 = The answer is: 1.4995 2.3445 3.6125 4.8837 5. None of the above Q3. Multiply: 64 x 4 = The answer is: 1.256 2.162 3.82 4.90 5. None of the above Q 4. Divide: 258 by 6 = The answer is: 1.43 2.87 3.97 4.94 5.None of the above Q5. 70% of 200 The answer is: 1.140 2.130 3.140 4.160 5. None of the above ...