
Showing posts with the label Strategies to diminish the risk of accidents when driving at night

Strategies to diminish the risk of accidents when driving at night

If possible avoid driving at night… Driving conditions are remarkably different in the night time, vision is reduced and it can be more difficult to see vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. If you are driving at times when you would usually be asleep then you are in much greater danger of falling asleep behind the wheel.   Why road users crash at night Road casualty statistics show that 40% of collisions occur in the hours of darkness. The danger of falling asleep at the wheel is a significant factor at night and accounts for 20% of serious accidents on motorways and monotonous roads in Great Britain. The table below shows the number of casualties during night time hours.   Road user casualties between 7pm and 6am Fatal Injuries Serious Injuries Slight Injuries Total Casualties Motorcyclists 93 997 2,584 3,674 Car Occupants 339 3,080 29,951 33,370 All Road Users 668 6,116 40,589 47,3...