
Showing posts with the label Calories

Simple Formula For Healthy Life-LCLW -Part1

There are millions of websites and blog which are related to weight loss. Everybody has there own ideas. Some are good and some are bad. But here is very simple formula for loosing weight. LESS CALORIES-LOOSE WEIGHT (LCLW) Our body weight changes are related to this change in balance of calories intake and use. What is a Calorie? A calorie is a unit of measurement - but it doesn't measure weight or length. A calorie is a unit of energy Amount of Food enter in the Body (eating/drinking) or A-food = Amount of energy we use (exercise/walking) or A-Use If A-food is more than A-Use-Weight Gain If A-food is less than    A-Use- Weight Loss Calories required : This is very important part of weight control. There are so many calculations which are very complex but here is very simple one For inactive people: Weight (lb) x 14 = estimated cal/day For Less active (4 days per week) people: Weight (lb) x 17 = estimated cal/day For active (5-7 days per week) people: Weight (lb) x 2...