Simple Formula For Healthy Life-LCLW -Part1

There are millions of websites and blog which are related to weight loss. Everybody has there own ideas. Some are good and some are bad. But here is very simple formula for loosing weight.

Good Way For Taking Weight

Our body weight changes are related to this change in balance of calories intake and use.

What is a Calorie?

A calorie is a unit of measurement - but it doesn't measure weight or length. A calorie is a unit of energy

Amount of Food enter in the Body (eating/drinking) or A-food = Amount of energy we use (exercise/walking) or A-Use

If A-food is more than A-Use-Weight Gain
If A-food is less than   A-Use- Weight Loss

Calories required: This is very important part of weight control. There are so many calculations which are very complex but here is very simple one
For inactive people: Weight (lb) x 14 = estimated cal/day
For Less active (4 days per week) people: Weight (lb) x 17 = estimated cal/day
For active (5-7 days per week) people: Weight (lb) x 20 = estimated cal/day

Calories in a 1 gram

If it is Carbohydrate - 4 calories
If it is Protein - 4 calories
If it is Fat - 9 calories

Daily Calorie Requirement-Women
WeightAge 18 to 35Age 36 to 55Age over 55
45 kg - 100 lbs1760 cals1570 cals1430 cals
50 kg - 110 lbs186016601500
55 kg - 121 lbs195017601550
60 kg - 132 lbs205018601600
65 kg - 143 lbs215019601630
70 kg - 154 lbs225020501660
75 kg - 165 lbs  and above240021501720

Daily Calorie Requirement-Men
WeightAge 18 to 35Age 36 to 55Age over 55
60 kg - 132 lbs248023001900
65 kg - 143 lbs262024002000
70 kg - 154 lbs276024802100
75 kg - 165 lbs290025602200
80 kg - 176 lbs305026702300
85 kg - 187 lbs320027602400
90 kg - 198 lbs and above350030002600


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