Danger of using social networking in 2011 and How to prevent (twitter, facebook)

The popularity of social networking sites makes them ideal targets for cyber attackers seeking the most impact for the least amount of effort. Several threats and vulnerabilities have recently affected users of various social media sites, webmail services and smartphones. Read on to find ways you can stay safe. Social networking sites are very dynamic environments and websites are constantly working at improving security features to combat malicious tactics. To protect yourself, it is important to fully understand the associated risks involved with sharing personal information online

Top Eight Security Tips for Social Networking.

1 Realize that you can't take it back

Remember, after you post information online, you can't retract it. Even if you remove it, that information might be saved or cached on someone else’s machine. THINK before you publish something on the Internet! Ask yourself what value it       

2 Limit personal information you post

Do not post information such as your place of work or your schedule. Encourage your friends and colleagues not to post information about you. Don’t take pictures or videos of your place of work.

3. Internet is a public resource

Post only the information you are comfortable with anyone seeing or which is allowed by your clearance. Remember this when you create your profile in blogs and forums. People you have never met can find your page. When you are keeping an online journal or blog, don’t write it as though it were a personal diary; write it with the expectation that it is available for anyone.

4. Be wary of strangers

The internet makes it easy for people to misrepresent their identities and motives. Consider limiting the people who are allowed to contact you on these sites. If you interact with strangers, be cautious about the information you reveal.

5. Be sceptical

Don't believe everything you read online. People can post false or misleading information about various topics, including their own identities. Also, be sceptical about the security features of social networking sites. Security breaches are seldom publicized and no matter how secure sites seem, they could be exploited.

6. Check privacy policies

Some sites share information such as email addresses with other companies, which can lead to an increase in spam. Locate a site’s policy for handling referrals to prevent unintentionally signing your friends or colleagues up for spam.

7. Be careful what you advertise

 An increasing amount of personal information is available online. Whatever you decide to reveal, realize that you are broadcasting it to the world. When you provide details about yourself or others or post pictures or videos, you might be giving attackers enough information to perform a successful social engineering attack.

8. Keep you antivirus software update

When you are using these sites makesure your PC has upto date antivirus.

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