Print, Practice and Pass FSOT (Foreign Service officer) Examination–Part 8

Free and New FSOT Practice Test Sample Questions 2013-14

This is 8th part of blog on Free FSOT test Sample Questions for 2013-14. In this part you will see questions related to Management Practice Questions. These questions can be practice for other Management Exams too.


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Print, Practice and Pass FSOT (Foreign Service officer) Examination–Part 8

Free FSOT test Sample Questions- FSOT Management Practice Questions 91-97

Q 91
Members of management seeking to improve their effectiveness and relationship with employees as well as optimizing the organization's performance, could utilize the appraisal process of:

A. job rotation
B. upward feedback
C. mentoring
D. executive education

Q 92
 A U.S. post office branch choosing to hire an employee with no disabilities over a slightly more qualified candidate restricted to a wheelchair, could be a violation of:

A. the Civil Rights Act of 1964
B. the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
C. the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
D. B and C

Print, Practice and Pass FSOT (Foreign Service officer) Examination–Part 8

Q 93
 Under most cases an employer can lawfully demand that a pregnant employee:

A. take a minimum of six weeks leave after delivery
B. supply medical documentation of pregnancy related disability requiring leave
C. work in a different capacity to avoid public or customer contact
D. do all of the above

Print, Practice and Pass FSOT (Foreign Service officer) Examination–Part 8
Q 94
 An employer could be liable to litigation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 if:

A. an employee is made to feel uncomfortable by a co-worker who tells jokes of a sexual nature
B. a manager makes demonstrative physical contact with a subordinate of the same sex
C. an employee is subjected to unwelcome advances, but no economic injury occurs
D. any of the above occur

Q 95
 When a manager is using personal involvement as a motivational strategy, the biggest risk is with those employees who:

A. have low self esteem and cannot form high performance expectations
B. make only verbal commitments to their goals
C. make a public commitment as a group instead of as individuals
D. are overconfident in their performance abilities

Q 96
 Performance management is one method that can be substituted for:

A. merit pay
B. traditional appraisal systems
C. annual or quarterly bonus schedules
D. quota systems

Q 97
Under FSLA, an exempt employee earning an hourly rate of $28.50 who works 45 hours would earn a paycheck of:

A. $1285.50
B. $1353.75
C. $1710.00
D. $1923.75

Answer Key - Free FSOT test Sample Questions- FSOT Management Practice Questions 91-97

91. B. Upward feedback is a reverse appraisal process where subordinates evaluate managers, often providing insight into ways to improve management effectiveness and make policy change.

92. D. Both laws prohibit discrimination based on disability. The Rehabilitation Act is specific to hiring by the Federal government. The ADA applies to private and government employment.

93. B. Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers must extend the same protections to pregnant employees as to others and treat pregnancy related conditions as disability. Employers can require medical documentation of the disability as they would for other disabilities. Employers cannot require minimum leaves and must allow employees to work as long as able. Public, customer, or other employee attitudes cannot dictate changes in employment situations for pregnant employees.

94. D. All situations could subject an employer to legal liability under federal law. Economic injury or loss of job is not required to make a sexual harassment case.

95. A. Personal involvement can build deep commitment to success and high performance standards by allowing employees a role in developing their own goals. Employees with low self-esteem need managerial support in improving their self-image to create correspondingly high goals. Verbal commitments and public group commitments have typical high success rates.

96. B. Performance management can replace traditional employee appraisal systems and focuses on the whole employee picture from new hire to exit interviews.

97. A. An employee defined as exempt under FSLA is not entitled to overtime and would earn the hourly rate at straight time.


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