Simple tips to remove burning or other bad smell from Microwave

Excellent tips to removing bad/burning smell from Microwave

Microwaves can pick up smell from the foods that you cook, especially if they get burnt. It is unpleasant to use a microwave that smells bad. Lots of food smells linger in the microwave for a long time. To combat those odors here are some simple tips for removing bad smell form the microwave.


First Tip: Use Lemon Juice

First mix fresh lemon juice and water in a microwave safe cup or bowl and put it into the microwave. Run on high for 2 minutes, and then wait 2 more minutes before removing the mixture.  
If the smell continues, you can make a paste with the juice and water mixture and baking soda and scrub the interior of the microwave. Then let this paste sit for 10 minutes the wipe off and rinse. Then my microwave is clean and odor free.



Second Tip:  Try Coffee Grounds



Try leaving a small plate with coffee grounds in the microwave overnight. You will see when you open your microwave in morning there will be no bad odor. If this smell still persists, try this process again.


Third tip- Use lemon essential oil


Lots of food smells linger in the microwave for a long time. To combat those odors and leave your microwave smelling fresh, use lemon essential oil. Just put a cup of water into a microwave-safe glass container and add 4 drops of lemon oil. Microwave the bowl on high for 2 minutes; keep the microwave door closed until the water is cooled a little, about 10 minutes.

Fourth tip-Use rubbing alcohol

To removing fishy and burnt smells from a microwave, use a little rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and rub. This cleans it right up and kills the smell. You may want to leave the microwave open for a few minutes, until the alcohol smell dissipates. Then clean with soap and water.


Fifth Tip- Use cinnamon or vanilla or lemon extract

To get rid of the awful lingering smell of burnt microwave popcorn, fill a large microwave-safe bowl with one cup of water and sprinkle your favorite spice like cinnamon or add several drops of vanilla or lemon extract. Bring to a boil. Let it sit inside for 10 to 15 minutes to cool down. Simply wipe the walls down with paper towels. Leave the door open to further air it out.

Sixth tip-: Use Baking Soda for

For years I have kept a small opened box of baking soda in my microwave oven. I completely remove the top of the box before putting it in the microwave. Things like popcorn, pizza, etc., can leave a smelly microwave oven, and it's such a simple thing to do so the smells vanish. I happened upon the idea one day while I was putting baking soda boxes into my fridge/freezer. And it dawned on me that maybe it would work in the microwave


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