2015 Yearly Free Horoscope (Detail Forecasts from Aries to Pisces)

Free 2015 Horoscope Detail Forecasts from Aries to Pisces

This is third part of article on 2015 Free Horoscope. In this part you saw the details forecast Aeries Taurus and Gemini. In this article you will see three more signs-Libra, Scorpion and Sagittarius.

Free Libra Horoscope (September 23 to October 22)

In the first half of 2015 Libra should expect the changes in its surrounding. Your close ones will witness you becoming more sociable, involved and interested. During this time your social circle will grow significantly. You will notice that you are interested in absolutely everything and you want to know even more. In the first half of the year you

2015 Yearly Free Horoscope (Detail Forecasts from Ariies to Pisces)

may meet your future close friends. And on the contrary, during the same period of 2015 the likelihood of being betrayed by a close person is quite high. But, despite a negative side of such situation, you shouldn’t be worried! This will simply mean that life has taken away unwanted and useless companions from your orbit and better people will take their place. Early 2015 is the time of big changes; it is an active period meant for your growing popularity first and foremost. If, for the first time ever, you, dear Scales, get comfortable with the idea of getting invited to the party, that life is, instead of being an outsider, then time has come for you to get your dividends.
You may rightfully expect your income to grow and large amount of money to inflow; you can go ahead and start implementing your own project or your own business – you’ll have enough energy and opportunities for it. Besides, you need to realize that in order to become successful you won’t have to go out of your way. Perhaps, the main condition of your complete success in 2015 is its natural way as well as spontaneity of good luck. After all, in order to become wiser, you have to study, spend long hours at the libraries reading through piles of books and finally defend your right to the MSc title before the panel of professors. Or, in order to have something to eat, you have to go to a diner/restaurant or simply go to a store, choose groceries to buy and cook something afterwards. One way or another, in our life we always look for things, prepare for them and get them done with the exception of good luck itself. One doesn’t have to do anything special to be able to grab it by its tail. And this is the point…On the one hand, you should of course be ready, but one way or another, Good Luck will find you by itself!

Many Scales will go through a move or change of residence in 2015. You may feel drawn to another house or another city. Moreover, your desire to change the scenery will be so strong and the temptation of new places so irresistible that you’ll find it hard to stay in one spot. If there are all preconditions in place, don’t restrain yourself since all the travels within the country in the course of 2015 will be good for you. Also, in 2015 making larger acquisitions and handling transactions with means of transportation (buying and selling) will prove favorable.

2015 Yearly Free Horoscope (Detail Forecasts from Ariies to Pisces)
Libra should pay special attention to the relations with its relatives in 2015. You may feel a touch alienated from your close ones; you may also feel as if you are not understood or they don’t want to support you. The truth is this will be the case only to some extent. Try to get into the shoes of those you love: don’t take things close to heart since they still have a bit of hard time accepting the changes you go through. They need time to believe you are truly making good progress. You should focus on financial matters in the summer months. Despite good income, your expenses will be growing in the second half of 2015 and this may mean some financial hardship in your working capital. You must limit your spending especially in June-September of 2015 in order to live a debt-free life and have enough funds to realize your projects and reach your goals.

Once the time of active changes is over, Libra may feel tired of the responsibility they assumed earlier in the first half of 2015. Somehow you should manage to spend more time in tranquility and peace; rest more. Be sure to plan some passive leisure for the fall and winter months and you’ll be quick to realize how important peace is for restoration of your mind and body

Libra- Jobs and Career in 2015

In the first half of 2015 when the South Node is in Libra many of you will feel like changing something in their life by significantly improving it. The simplest change you’ll want to make is your job. The chances are in the first half of 2015 many Scales will want to switch jobs by drastically changing their field of activity. However, driven by pure curiosity and desire for change you may do yourself a disservice. Before you change your job or profession you should have a clear understanding of which goals you are trying to achieve by implementing these changes. A simple desire to try something new may severely disappoint you and if you don’t want to do yourself any harm you should plan a professional migration.

Those Scales who are born any time between October 21 and October 23 can safely change jobs. You are result-driven, focused, have a clear view of your goal ahead and have equally clear understanding of how to achieve it. The rest of you can only hurt yourselves by making a decision to find new employment. Those of you whose birthday falls on any time between October 6 and October 12 are advised to not change a place of work; otherwise, you may lose a promising job.

Many of the Scales who fail to find the job that would meet all of their desired criteria will think of starting their own business. This will be the best decision you can make and the best way to apply your energy in the first half of 2015. However, you must pay special attention to logistics of your business project. If you think of starting your business without any business plan and basic forecast of how soon you should expect your first revenue to come in your time and energy may be wasted and you risk of having nothing to show for your efforts in the second half of the year. 2015 will give Libra-entrepreneur a chance to expand its business and enter new markets. However, you should make the most active efforts in the first half of the year when you have enough energy and zeal to realize your projects. In the second half of the year you should avoid introducing any drastic changes to your business even if its performance is not satisfactory to you. Some stagnation in business is a sort of a sign that you did everything right during the previous period and now you have a full right for some time off.

Libra -Love and Relationships in 2015


During 2015 many representatives of the Zodiac of Libra will have to solve the problems associated with intergender relations. This is true about both married and single Libra. You will be focused on determining the qualities that you values in a partner the most. Your inclination to delve into the depth of self-analysis and focus on your own feelings and emotions may take you so far from the reality that you may destroy any - even the sturdiest – relations. You may be unhappy with your partner’s character traits, their facial features, their behavior and other trifles that you never paid attention to before. This hypercriticism will, without a doubt, cause conflicts and fights with those in your immediate social circle.

It will be hard for the married Scales born between October 6 and 12 to preserve family relations. You will be prone to snapping; you’ll become more suspicious of things and trust your partner less; this is the reason why you can single-handedly ruin what you have been building for many years. You should show more tactfulness, loyalty and understanding when dealing with your other half; try to find things in common. This will help restore the trust and bring back the peace and serenity to your family. Single Scales should be more active when looking for someone to love in the first half of the year. During the period of January 1-27 of 2015 you will have an opportunity to start new romantic relations which will help you feel self-confident and free up your sensuality. Also during this time you may have a chance to meet someone who you can build strong family relations with in the future. The other periods when single Scales can run into their other half are: February 21-March 17 and November 9 – the end of 2015. You should pay special attention to the last period since it is during this time that single Libra will be out there and popular; this is when you will stand out from the crowd.


Libra-Money 2015

The year of 2015 doesn’t promise the most harmonious and attractive Zodiac a fast and easy way to solve financial problems. In the first half of the year when Jupiter is in the Zodiac of Leo the Scales-entrepreneurs will notice an increased number of financial opportunities. The Scales-managers may have their salary increased in the first half of the year. The rest of you will have to a chance to receive an additional income in the shape and form of gifts, service payments and getting bonuses. Besides, some of the Scales will get lucky in gambling: you have a good chance to receive significant winnings.

In the second half of 2015 your revenues can decrease somewhat which will cause some concerns. However, it can hardly be said that you won’t have enough money to provide for a good living. Your income level will be stable and even high for many of you. If you are offered an additional way to generate some income, don’t say no to it: the financial opportunities you’ll receive when carrying out someone else’s duties will prove much more attractive than your own. During the period of June 15-SEptembr 18 when Saturn makes its way back to the Zodiac of Scorpio your financial opportunities may considerably deplete. Keep in mind that during summer months your income level won’t be high and you’ll have enough money to cover your regular expenses only. You will hardly be able to put some money away for a rainy day. Don’t worry and don’t panic: as soon as Saturn moves to the Zodiac of Sagittarius in September of 2015 your financial situation will improve.
During April 1-May 12 Libra is advised to not lend any money; investing is not an option, either since there is a significant risk of losing your savings. You shouldn’t apply for nay loans or sign contracts with lenders during this period. If you plan large acquisitions, consider the following periods as the most favorable: March 18-April 11, June 6-July 18, September 7-October 8 and December 6-31.


Free Scorpio Horoscope (October 23 to November 21)

2015 Yearly Free Horoscope (Detail Forecasts from Ariies to Pisces)
In the first half of 2015 Scorpio’s social activeness, popularity and fame will grow significantly. This will be reflected in many spheres of your life, but the professional aspect and everything associated with business and career will be especially strongly impacted by it. You will become ambitious; you’ll want to be recognized. By keeping this in mind, it will be particularly smart of you to focus on your career and professional development. However, during this time not all of you will be able to draw people’s attention to your success; you may even be prone to excessive showing off. Take this with all seriousness: inappropriate boasting may negate all your talents and merits. Just like “a spoon goes with soup”, all the steps in such complex sphere as career should be “dosed” and taken in the right place at the right time.
Still, the chances of success are quite strong for most of the Scorpions since early in the year many of them will become more confident and enjoy multiple chances to draw people’s attention and earn respect with all their professional achievements. In the first half of 2015 you’ll have a great chance to become known and finally take a long-awaited managerial position.
If, despite favorable conditions, you still feel nervous, have difficulties in communication and have your ideas rejected, you still shouldn’t despair. It’s all because of Jupiter’s rampant energy in Scorpio’s horoscope for 2015. On the one hand, this planet of luck will provide you with opportunities; on the other, it feeds you with energy that in some instances may take an ugly shape if not released. In order to withstand such negative impact, it is recommended that you steer all your spare energy toward professional growth and education. One way or another, the knowledge you’ll receive will come handy when conquering new career heights and managing your new position.

2015 Yearly Free Horoscope (Detail Forecasts from Ariies to Pisces)

It should be noted that in the first half of 2015 any matters associated with signing important documents will be smoothly handled. Perhaps, your new position or new personal status will promote new developments, but one way or another, you will get a chance to prove the sound logics behind your stand. During this period you may hold talks or sign contracts which could open many doors for you and let you climb up the social and career ladder. As a result, in 2015 you may expect increased income from profession activities; you are also likely to acquire larger items to better reflect your new status; you may be purchasing items of luxury and other accessories indicative of your new social position.

In the second half of 2015 Scorpio should pay special attention to working on the ideas, plans, projects, etc. – everything that has been waiting for its glorious moment for many years. You will have an opportunity to implement your own project or start your own business. Also, during this time things like friendships, social affairs/events and your participation in them will be quite relevant. You’ll live an active social life, start new relations and expand your social circle which could do you lots of good in the future. In the summer months you should pay special attention to your image, self-esteem and what people think of you. Despite positive changes in life, many Scorpions will be prone to melancholia, blues and irritability. Try not to plan anything serious for June-August of 2015; instead, take some time off and make the best of it.

Scorpio-Jobs and Career in 2015


The Scorpions will reap the fruits of their efforts in the first half of 2015. You will finally be able to get what you deserve. You can initiate the changes at work which will have a positive effect on your career. Be prepared to face minor staff changes at the beginning of the year – thanks to them you’ll be able to sit in a manager’s chair. Many Scorpions will change their jobs in 2015. But in order to disperse your fears of a new job it should be noted that you’ll change a good job to a better one. It’ll be a better job not only because of the financial and professional realization that it offers, but also due to the possibility for you to tap into your potential, showcase your talents and knowledge/expertise – you’ll prove to your colleagues how much you’re capable of.

These are the favorable periods for changing jobs: February 21-March 17, October 9-November 8. Also, during the period of June 15-September 18 you’ll have a chance to find the job that both pays well and is conveniently located.

Special mention should be made about the periods of June 24-July 18 and August 1-October 8. During this time some of the Scorpions will be busy searching for the job that could provide for career advancement and high earnings. And there will be a chance to find a job like that, but in order to secure it, you’ll have to wait some time. Don’t rush things when it comes to getting employed. They will resolve on their own and in the best way possible.

Scorpio’s career ambitions will be satisfied in 2015. You can get an authoritative position – a title you haven’t even dreamt of – without making any significant effort. Your focus look, engaged glance and sober mind will be rightfully appreciated by your management. Be prepared to assume responsibilities and take on new authority. Starting early in the year and up until mid-September you have higher chances to establish useful contacts, meet influential people – those who will come handy in the future and be able to provide favorable references if need be.

2015 will not seem quiet and boring to the entrepreneurial Scorpions, either. The tendencies you outlined back in 2014 will be materializing and your appetites will grow – you’ll want much more. Thus, you’ll be considering new markets, business expansion and inventory diversification. You’ll find negotiations at the highest level (with the large companies’ management) successful.

Scorpio-Love and Relationships in 2015

During the time between January 13 and February 20 when Venus and Mars are in the Zodiac of Pisces single Scorpio can meet its other half. You will notice that the relations will develop with the speed of light and be full of true feelings: love, passion and romance. Married Scorpions during this time will be focused on starting a family; thus, they will have wonderful chances to conceive a baby in love.

During March 18-May 12 of 2015 single Scorpions’ relations can evolve into something sturdier and more serious. You may think of starting a family and will do your best to make this happen as soon as possible. Those of you who are already in a relationship can be dealing with wedding arrangements during this time. Your love life will be perfect and you’ll feel like showing what true love means to the whole wide world.

During December 6-30 when Venus is in the Zodiac of Scorpio single representatives of this sign will draw more attention. You’ll be meeting many more new people and your chances to find love will drastically increase. Family Scorpions will also crave love and affection from their spouse during spring months. During March 18-May 12 it will be a good idea for you to go on a romantic trip, have a romantic date or simply spend more time with your spouse. During mid-June-mid-September of 2015 the Scorpions in the relations can notice some changes. You’ll be busy solving your own problems and you’ll simply have no time for love and romance. Your other half may suffer from the lack of attention which can give birth to minor quarrels. Try to not get drowned in the household routine of chores and mundane tasks – have more romantic dates, make nice surprises and give presents to your loved one. This will help preserve harmony of your relations. Single Scorpions born any time between November 6 and November 14 may get married during 2015 even if before they used to preach free relations. The family created by the Scorpions in 2015 will be sound and happy.

Scorpio- Money in 2015

Many Scorpions may look at the year of 2015 as one of the most complicated in the financial sense. During all year your financial situation will be influenced by Saturn which will impose limitations on high income and instigate various expenses. Even if your salary gets bumped up, don’t be trying to joyfully buy presents to pamper yourself with. The chances are very soon you’ll need a large sum of money to buy new appliances to replace broken ones or pay urgent bills that you completely forgot about or some other needs that can’t be put on hold. Have a more rational approach to your financial expenditures: start saving – put away at least some money every time you get paid. Ideally, try to put aside 10% in order to have your personal financial cushion. This will help you minimize urgent expenses, lower your anxiety level and make your life more harmonious. In the second half of 2015 when Jupiter moves into the Zodiac of Virgo you may expect your income to grow. The Scorpions who own their business will be able to note that their business capacities increase which means that revenues will improve accordingly. The Scorpions with a managerial authorities may have their salary increase. Those of you who are neither the former nor the latter may count on a lucky chance. Your lucky chances will be more abundant in the second half of 2015 which means you have a good chance to get your hands on some “easy money”.
From May 13 till June 24 you are not advised to not get any loans, credits or borrow money in any other way. It’ll be difficult for you to pay it back and your debt can become to be a heavy burden for your personal budget. It is recommended that you refrain from lending money even to your closest ones during this period – the chances of getting your money back are very slim. From June 15 till September 18 you may feel a heavy financial burden being finally lifted and your revenues start exceeding your expenses. However, don’t be in a rush to rejoice since this relief is short-lived – stars gave it to you to save you from despair. Try to minimize your spending and make an effort to save some funds.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

2015 Yearly Free Horoscope (Detail Forecasts from Ariies to Pisces)

2015 can bestow many surprises on fun and good-natured Sagittarius. However, you shouldn’t lose guard since the surprises may prove completely different from what you expected. In the beginning of 2015 you will feel the load of depression and bad mood finally evaporating and your life becoming bright and cheerful again. The period of failures and inertia will come to an end with the arrival of 2015. But, no matter how much you would want to relax or share the load of responsibilities with someone else, in 2015 you will have to make your way through your life building it brick by brick as if it were a solid house. Your determination, perseverance, hard work and healthy ambitions will ensure success of all your endeavors. Yes, you got it: the times of you relying on others’ hard work or blind luck are over once and for all. You must take the responsibility for your own life. One way or another you will have to realize that no one but you is responsible for your life; everything in your life depends on you and just a tiny bit the circumstances which, in their turn, by 99% depend on you, too! In 2015 you, dear Archers, will have to make plans, make sure you strictly adhere to the set deadlines, and only this way you’ll be able to avoid mistakes and get the results you are after in the feasibly near future.
Still, an alternative scenario is possible for some - let’s put it this way – “boldest” Archers. In 2015 many of you will be drawn to distant countries. It may come as a surprise, but you may find that it is hard for you to stay in one place, that your soul wants new experiences – the more extreme the better. Of course, not all of you will have a chance to satisfy this craving for travel. Only few of you will be able to afford leaving a warm spot and all the responsibilities back in their home country. Interaction with foreigners, unique places and even short business trips abroad will give you a surge of energy and hope that you, dear Archers, will be able to cope with any difficulty. Nonetheless, keep in mind that despite a temporary absence, you’ll still have to come back. Even after having delayed dealing with all those stale problems, time will come and you’ll still have to tackle them. You need to understand that the break you’ve been given is not only for you to postpone inevitable, but to improve your resources for you to be better prepared for new changes. Only a fool could waste this blessed opportunity; a wise man will be sure to take advantage of the break and new experience gained while being abroad. Moreover, new impressions are also a good source of fresh ideas. And in 2015 there won’t be any lack of those. But, in order for you not to drown in the abundance of available options you will have to employ your practicality and discard unrealistic fluff.
To add to the main tendencies of 2015, it should be said that its first half will be favorable for handling the matters associated with education, post-graduate degrees and refresher courses. Those of you with a degree in hand can start thinking of shifting their professional focus and mastering a different niche of a labor market. If you haven’t been awarded a professional degree yet, you will come to realize the importance of education and want to expand your knowledge. In the second half of 2015 when you are full of energy, determination and self-confidence, you should bravely tackle career issues. It’s during this time that your chances to gain more social authority, get a managerial position or simply become popular with your social circle are strong. The end of 2015 will prove particularly favorable for those of you with the creative occupations since it is during this time that the public will be very

Sagittarius- Jobs and Career in 2015

The Sagittarius who don’t like leaving their “warm” place may start thinking of finding a better paying job in the middle of 2015. You shouldn’t expect any drastic changes at work during the year. There won’t be any reason for you to quit your current job and start looking for a new one; but you may start thinking of necessary life changes – it would be good for you to make at least some minor progress or have your work conditions improved.

2015 Yearly Free Horoscope (Detail Forecasts from Ariies to Pisces)

The Sagittarius who were born any time between December 5 and December 11 will be looking for new opportunities to realize their talents and skills. You may start looking for an exciting job – the one that may be associated with your hobby or life interests. Working on a side as a hobby may develop into a new employment which you’ll be quite happy with. Don’t miss an opportunity to improve your financial situation and get an ideal job. Even if at first it seems quite illusive and not really serious, by the end of the year you’ll have realized and appreciated the impressive potential of your occupation – it will hardly be fair for you to bury it.

In the second decade of July as soon as Venus shifts into the Zodiac of Virgo Sagittarius will suddenly feel ambitious. You’ll crave recognition, promotion and a chance to control operations. During July, August and September of 2015 many Sagittarius will be busy solving career problems. You may count on being promoted, given more responsibilities and paid more attention by your management during this period. On the one hand, big responsibility may burden you; on the other, you’ll feel proud of yourself and the heights you’ve managed to conquer. You may have to take some refresher courses in order to get a desired position. Don’t refuse any opportunities to get new knowledge and skills – they will guarantee your professional growth. The Sagittarius with their own business will get a chance to develop useful contacts with foreign partners in the first half of 2015. In the second half of the year you’ll be able to realize your ideas and plans directed at expanding and growing your business. Keep in mind that in the second half of the year it is not recommended that you pull the funds from the company’s turnover; instead, you should consider increasing your turnover and production capacity.

Sagittarius - Money in 2015


During 2015 the Archers won’t have to complain about their financial situation since money will be drawn to you as if you were a magnet. There will only be one thing to focus on: you must timely recognize favorable financial opportunities and properly manage new perspectives which, given your character, could present an issue of its own. In the first half of the year your revenues may increase due to your real estate deals. You may also count on your family’s financial support. Deals with foreigners, international partners and companies promise to be quite successful. The Archers employed in the field of tourism and education will be able to note that their income will significantly increase in the first half of 2015.

In the second half of 2015 Sagittarius’ financial opportunities will considerably improve. This will all be due to a favorable celestial combination between Jupiter and Pluto which will allow many Archers to not only improve their financial situation, but also gain some wealth. The main condition of prosperity in the second half of 2015 is a clear plan of action and strict adherence to it. This is exactly what will help you conquer the heights when it comes to realizing your plans and ideas as well as becoming prosperous.

During the time of June 25 and August 8 the Archers are advised to refrain from borrowing money. Any loans and credits received during this time can easily cut your financial opportunities dry; moreover, there is a risk of losing practically everything you’ve got by borrowing even the small amount of money. It is also advisable for you to avoid investing money into someone else’s business affair, lend money, invest and trade stocks. The risk of losing all your investments is quite high. February 21-March 17, May 8-June 5 and November 9-December 5 are the periods of 2015 that will prove the most favorable for large acquisitions and investments.

Sagittarius - Love and Relationships in 2015

2015 may bring Sagittarius disappointment in love and interpersonal relations. Don’t despair though since this won’t be true for all the Archers.

The Sagittarius who were born any time between December 6 and December 13 can come to the decision to get divorced. This decision can be rooted in lack of understanding between you and your partner as well as your partner’s unwillingness to accept your life circumstances and support you when you need it. Your partner’s heightened demands may cause conflicts and arguments which will ultimately lead to the final decision. Optimistic and never despairing Sagittarius who were born between December 5 and December 11 will be able to find someone who will understand and support them and will never let them down no matter the circumstances. All troubles in your personal life that may cross your path in 2015 are possible to overcome; all you need is to believe that everything that happens for the best.
Single Sagittarius should be more active when looking for someone to love during the time between February 21 and March 30. It is during this time that the planets responsible for harmonious relations – Venus and Mars – will be in the Zodiac of Aries. During this time you have a wonderful chance to meet true love. The relations born during this time will be dynamic and you should not be surprised if a few weeks down the road you will already decide to get married. During the period between April 12 and June 2 the Sagittarius longing for love should be more active when trying to start new relations. Walks, trips, online chats, messaging and friends’ get-togethers – all of this will help you find someone special to start sound family relations with even if you didn’t plan on a family. Keep in mind that your sociability and knowledge will guarantee healthy relations during this period. Tell more about yourself; share your impressions and the person you like will be sure to take notice and show interest in you.

Many Sagittarius in 2015 will be focused on the plans associated with having a baby. Those of you who have been dreaming of having a child will be able to have their dream come true. It would be good for you to travel different countries and go on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land or a holy place and a miracle may very well take place.


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