2011 Best Online Universities (Part 3)

This is third part article on 2011-best-online-universities-part-3

With the rising popularity of online universities and online college, those seeking higher education have more choices then ever. Some online universities are better suited for an individual than others, depending on time requirements, area of study, or level of education. Some seek an online university more focused around adults seeking to advance their careers, while others are looking for a school more focused around first-time students to higher education.

Westwood College has 17 campuses across the United States, and offers more than 25 programs. Since it was founded in 1986, there have been more than 24,000 students who have graduated from Westwood College. Westwood is “career-focused,” meaning that degrees are often tailored to specific careers and the degree programs focus on developing practical skills related to those positions.

Strayer University specializes in education for adults seeking career advancement. The school has more than 54,000 students and more than 80 campus locations. The average age of a Strayer University student is 34 and most have full time jobs. Strayer University was founded in 1892 as Strayer College.

Argosy University was formed in 2001 by merging the American School of Professional Psychology, the University of Sarasota, and the Medical Institute of Minnesota. Argosy University has 19 campus locations across the U.S. and there are more than 18,000 students enrolled, mostly in post-graduate degree programs.

Everest University is an education network, with many campuses throughout the United States and Canada. Online courses are offered in accounting, business, computer information, criminal justice, medical billing, and paralegal degrees. Everest University offers the ease of online education with the support of campus locations throughout the United States.


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