Free Compatibility Check for Your Relationship with your Wife/Partner. Part 12 (Pisces Horoscope)

This is my 12th  blog on Free-compatibility-check-for-your relationship with your Wife/spouse/Partner

Pisces Horoscope - (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Pisces and Pisces

Between two Pisces, sensitivity, intuition, emotions, feelings and dreams take the front seat, while rationalism and logics are left far behind. The love match of two Pisceans can be successful, as both of them know the emotional needs of the other very well and can communicate at deeper emotional and spiritual levels. Emotionally, they would be very content with the bond. The love for beauty and peace is supreme and for both the Fish, their match would be the most magnificent thing in the world.
The greatest necessity of the Fish is the need for support. Pisceans need someone to take care of them when they are down and weary. In this relationship, though the partners would have a lot of things in common, something very essential would be missing i.e. realism. Both of them would be too busy in their rosy world to accept the realities of their life. A Piscean easily blames himself for all the wrong that has happened in his life and therefore, a lot of negativity would flow into the bond. Both of them are emotional and over sensitive, which can create a lot of tribulations for a long term relationship.

Love and romance is supreme for Pisceans. They (both male and female) are generous, patient and peace-loving and would work towards harmony in life. Pisceans have a taste for the finer things in life and would share a great sense of ethics and values. They would live life with a philosophical outlook, rarely coming to terms with the rational or the logical aspects. Since both the partners are very emotional, the feelings get reciprocated and make life wonderful for both of them. Each partner showers the other with affection and receives the same in return.

Capricorn & Pisces

Capricorn Man & Pisces Woman

Perfectly complementing each other, a Capricorn man and a Piscean woman would have a success relationship in the long run. While he is determined, strong and supportive, she is very delicate, with a vulnerable self. He would make her feel very secure and would provide just the kind of support she is looking for. Though he is not of the romantic and expressive kinds, he will be very loyal to her. With time, she would teach him how to articulate feelings as well. She would be a good wife to him, never trying to dominate her husband.

Capricorn Woman & Pisces Man

The love match of a Capricorn woman and a Piscean man would have great compatibility. He is the romantic of the two and would bring out the romance in her as well. He would give her a lot of love and attention and make her feel that she is very special. While he would express his emotions though the constant display of affection, she would give him the kind of loyalty he is looking for. The Capricorn woman would also support her Piscean partner and force him to achieve all that he wished for.

Sagittarius & Pisces

Sagittarius Man & Pisces Woman

This union is a fusion of realism and fantasy. While a Piscean woman loves to stay in her dream world, with only a few people in her proximity, a Sagittarius man loves to be amidst the real world, with real people, where he can shoot to fame and be recognized and noticed. She is sensitive and emotional by nature and would want to be near him always. For a free soul like him, this can be more of a confinement rather than love and care. Adjustment is the only answer for the relationship between a Sagittarian male and a Piscean female.

Sagittarius Woman & Pisces Man

Sagittarius woman is a free bird who would want to fly high and not be stranded by any kind of restrictions. A Pisces man, alternatively, is one who would want much more commitment and closeness in a relationship. The clash of ideas is sure to ignite many sparks in the relationship. Adventurous and outgoing, she would feel caged if she adheres to what he says. The Sagittarian female’s openness may also hurt him and her straightforward comments make him retreat into his shell. The relationship demands too much effort on both the ends for its survival.

Aquarius & Pisces

Aquarius Man & Pisces Woman

In this love match, one thinks and the other feels! He might be too cold to fulfill her emotional and sensual needs. In the beginning, things would be very pleasant between the two, but, with time, varied interest may play foul for the pair. The Water Bearer is analytical and logical - he does not empathize with others. Outgoing and independent, he would love to move out and explore new things, while she would prefer the quite insides of her house. However, for a Pisces female, the Aquarius male will be an asset, making her come out of her shell.

Aquarius Woman & Pisces Man

This love match can be a tough one to maintain and may turn out to be a disaster even earlier than anticipated. While for an Aquarius woman, adventure and exploration of new places defines fun, a Piscean man is fonder of serene places, where he can enjoy quietness and tranquility with his partner. Aquarians are known as superficial beings and do not get into the insides of matters, which is typically seen in Pisceans. The male would want the love bond to be extremely close and intimate, threatening her freedom. This match is troublesome for both - she would not be able to have her freedom and he won't have the warmth he needs.

Scorpio & Pisces

Scorpio Man & Pisces Woman

The chemistry between a Scorpio man and a Piscean woman is visible from day one of their relationship. There is an unknown spark that lightens both of them and sustains the compatibility forever. Theirs is an everlasting relationship, full of love, romance and intimacy between the Scorpio male and the Piscean female. Both would dwell in each other’s heart, with feelings of passion, loyalty, truthfulness and closeness overflowing. The couple would be a mirror to each other - knowing what the other feels even before the person has communicated. Things would come naturally to both of them.

Scorpio Woman & Pisces Man

Scorpio woman and Pisces man form a perfect couple, which would complement each other in every sphere of life, be it mentally, physically or even psychologically. The union would be bliss for them and they would gain mutually from the affair. While the Piscean male would provide the kind of security she is looking for, the Scorpio female would satisfy him with her love and passion. The man is a dreamer and the woman would help him turn his vision into reality. The couple would gel very well and have a wonderful future together.

Libra & Pisces

Libra Man & Pisces Woman

Though the initial phase of the relationship can be pleasing, things may not proceed in the way it had started. The love match would not be a perfect one, but with some conscious efforts, things can turn otherwise. There are certain differences between the two, which are very prominent. However, with understanding the situations can change for the better. Since a Libra male as well as a Piscean female is overtly inclined towards romance and they will have to capitalize on this particular aspect of their relationship. Lots of compromise and understanding can work wonders for this duo.

Libra Woman & Pisces Man

Romance is high on cards when a Libran woman and a Piscean man come together in a relationship. Still, the problems are not less. While the male is dreamy and prefers to live in his world of fantasy and fancy, the female is realistic and does not share any indulgence of dreamy world. The other hitch in their relationship would be that while he is the emotional types, she is the intellectual one of the two. This difference is sure to create a lot of tiffs in their bond. However, with a little bit of understanding and effort, things can change and turn their union into a blissful one.

Virgo & Pisces

Virgo Man & Pisces Woman

The coming together of the practical and realistic Virgo man and the emotional and expressive Piscean woman would result in a ‘hit and miss’ kind of relationship. Once bonded, the Virgo male and the Pisces female both would realize that they are not ideal for each other. While she is very emotional and considerate, he can be exceedingly cold and detached. His practical and realistic rules will shatter her dreams and hurt her in the process. Things can work out only if both learn to adjust and try to complement each other, rather than contrast.

Virgo Woman & Pisces Man

The understanding between the two would be a determining factor for the compatibility of this relationship. Initially, there would great attraction between the two, as her practical ways would instantly catch his attention and his intellectual talks would interest her. However, with time, things might turn otherwise. Much would also depend on the type of Piscean the man is. If he is the dreamy sorts, the relationship would end even before you would realize that it had started off. In case the male is an opportunist, it would be a perfect match for both of them.

Leo & Pisces

Leo Man & Pisces Woman

The opposing qualities of a Leo man and a Pisces woman can surprisingly act in favor of the duo, taking their compatibility to higher levels. While she plays the second fiddle in the house, she also manages to make the Lion do what she wants. Both love to be in love and would share a strong bond. However, her shy and timid attitude can come interfere with his sociable nature. The Leo male is too bold for the Piscean female and might end up hurting her. The susceptibility of the sensitive Fish, on the other hand, is likely to irritate the Lion. If the couple makes efforts, things can gradually be turned to work in their favor.
Leo Woman & Pisces Man

The union of a Leo woman and a Pisces man can go either ways. If both of them manage to overcome their tiffs, they are likely to have a very good love match. Both, a Leo female and a Pisces male are romantic to the core. However, their opposing characteristics can act against the relationship, creating confusion and tiffs. While she loves to interact with people and make friends, he is of the mysterious and secretive type. If both of them lend an understanding ear to each other, the duo can be a compatible one.

Cancer & Pisces

Cancer Man & Pisces Woman

The great chemistry between a Cancerian man and a Piscean woman makes their love match just perfect. The coming together of the two will result in an ideal union. There would hardly be conflicts, resentment or clashes between the two. Emotions will take charge in their lives and make it blissful for both the Cancer male and the Piscean female. There will be utmost understanding, loyalty, security and constancy in the relationship. They will share such understanding that each of them would know the feelings of the other even before they have been uttered. All in all, a perfect match for both of them.

Cancer Woman & Pisces Man

It is a 'dream come true' match! Love, romance, passion and affection form the foundation of their relationship. Since both of them are emotional, things would work out perfectly. While the Piscean male would love her intently and secure her, the Cancer female would make him the priority of her life and give him all the importance and value he expects. The only thing which they should keep in mind is not to dwell in the dream world too much or they will lose touch with reality. Loyalty, trust and compassion, from both the partners, would become the strength of this relationship. In short, a perfect and ideal pairing for both of them.

Gemini & Pisces

Gemini Man & Pisces Woman

There is a huge difference in the personality of a Gemini man and a Pisces woman. Whilst a Gemini man prefers to maintain a superficial relationship, the Fish likes to form deep emotional bonds. The Piscean female is also largely dependant on her partner for love and constant support, which the male might not be able to give always. His need for freedom and independence would not get on well with her either. Also, a Gemini always looks for change in life, which is in direct contrast to the stable nature of the Fish. The partners need to work on their opposing nature to make this love match work.

Gemini Woman & Pisces Man

Gemini woman and Pisces man are very much alike each other in almost all the aspects of their personality. Though there will be initial charm in the relationship, things would take an altogether turn in the long run. While she is very expressive about her feelings, he fails to articulate with ease. The Pisces male is also very emotional and sensitive and is sure to get hurt by the unintentional insensitivity of the Gemini. The feeling of being loved and cared for is very high in a Pisces man and hence; she will need to extend a lot of support. The relationship can only work if the couple adjusts with each other’s contrasting views.

Taurus & Pisces

Taurus Man & Pisces Woman

The duo of a Taurus man and a Pisces woman will share great bondage. Romance would outpour in the relationship. Since both the Bull and the Fish are highly romantic, they are sure to bask in the glory of love, affection and passion. Being the balanced of the two, he would bring in calmness and composure to her highly eccentric nature. A Piscean female looks for security in a relationship, which a Taurean male would more than readily provide. However, the Bull needs to be sensitive in order to prevent hurting the sensitive Fish.

Taurus Woman & Pisces Man

There would be great chemistry between a Taurus woman and a Piscean man. They have different approach towards, but rather than being contrary, they would offset the weaknesses of the other. Since she is as loyal and devoted as him, the feeling of insecurity would never creep into the relationship. While the Fish will teaches the practical Bull to dream, the latter will push him to make them turn into reality. The charisma of the Pisces male would attract the Taurus female. The duo would balance each other and enjoy the bliss of a wonderful union.

Aries & Pisces

Aries Man & Pisces Woman

The union between Aries male and Pisces female can either be compatible or contrasting. It all depends on the kind of adjustment they both indulge in their lives. While the Pisceans love to lean back on the strong Aries, the Ram in return happy acting as the leader. He would be totally amused by her distinctive ideas and attitudes. However, at times, the sharp lash of the Piscean temper can ignite the sarcastic humor in the Ram which can make the environment hot and furious unless either of them controls their temper.

Aries Woman & Pisces Man

This can be a dicey situation which would require greater understanding in between the duo. The union would call for a control in the aggressiveness of an Aries woman. Since the man is of the sensitive kinds, she needs to be friendly and peaceful. The Piscean man should also take care that she is a free bird and should not limit her boundaries and let her enjoy the freedom. While she would inspire him to achieve what he has dreamed for, he would entertain her by his reflective nature. One thing, which is outstanding for both the Aries female and the Piscean male, is the element of romance, which would keep them going forever.


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