Why I am not loosing my Weight After doing everything in 2011

Why I am not loosing weight after doing everything ?. I am trying everything from excersise to food. After research in web I have found followng tips that will help everyone to achieve a significant weight loss. Here are some nice tips:

1. Mix and Match workout

When you do go to the gym you need to workout intensely to shift weight quicker and so that means lots of cardio. Try and mix it up so do twenty minutes on the jogger, then the bike and then the cross trainer. This way you will get one hour of good cardio all over your body which is ideal for weight loss.

2. Good Balanced Diet

The diet is the key to starting all this weight loss work because you can exercise every day but if you are eating the wrong foods the weight will not change much. Eat healthily three times a day and try to include salad and some lean meats in your diet.

3. Healthy Snacking

Snacking has to go but to get in the habit of not eating junk food you need to empty the cupboardsl. If you really needed a snack then try to replace it with healthy choice such as cups of tea or fruit.

4. Small Achievable target

Have small targets every two weeks instead of one big weight loss target as it makes it all seem much more achievable.

5. Do Some Kind of workout everyday

You do not need to work out every day but at least be active and so that means going for a walk for thirty minutes with the kids, on your own or with the dogs. You need to break the habits of getting in from work and just watching the TV and then eating dinner.


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