Free Workout Ideas when you are in working in Office/school Part 2
This is second part of my blog on Free Workout Ideas when you are working. Even if you're on a nine-to-five work schedule, there are still plenty of opportunities to add health-improving exercises to your day, some of which are listed below.
•Fitness ball
Trade your office chair for a fitness ball
Jump on a treadmill for half an hour, take a quick dip in the pool, or just grab a mat and do some stretches. A membership at a health club near your office also makes it easy to add a workout to the beginning or end of your workday, and many businesses offer discounted club memberships to their employees.
If you can try to commute by bicycle or walking.You can you also park a mile away from your work and walk every day. Two miles of walking a day could make a huge difference in how you feel.
Partnering up with a fellow office-mate can spice up your workout routine by adding some healthy competition or just friendly conversation. It can also help you stick to your healthy habits. Perhaps you and a co-worker can bike or walk to work together, sign up for a morning yoga or spinning class, or walk to a healthy restaurant in the city for lunch instead of taking the elevator to the cafeteria.
•Work week workout
Although it may seem difficult to find the time in your busy schedule for exercise, by making healthy lifestyle decisions, whether merely to take the stairs or join a gym, you'll be contributing to your overall physical and mental health. Did we mention that exercise is a great way to manage stress? Always consult a physician before starting any exercise routine.