Why your Relationship is not working with your hubby or friend (All Zodiac sign compatibility)

Free Compatibility Read-through guide Libra Horoscope

This is my 6th part of Free-compatibility-check-for-your relationship with your Wife/Partner. Please check in this blog if you birth sign is Libra. If you find some problem in your relationship, this blog will give some ideas this may be due to some stars in your horoscope.

Libra Horoscope (Birthdate: Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Librans are usually optimistic and cheerful individuals. They are easy going people and befriend others easily. The Librans are ever ready to help others. Get comprehensive information Libra zodiac sign, characteristics, personality and profile.

1. Libra & Scorpio

Libra Man & Scorpio Woman
The union of a Libran man and a Scorpio woman can be a harmonious one, but only with a lot of efforts from both sides. There is a lot of difference in their basic personality, which can make the relationship between a Libra male and a Scorpio female a bit difficult to handle. While the Libran man likes to be detached and distant, a Scorpio woman is passionate and intense. There would also be no room for her possessiveness and jealousy in his life.

Libra Woman & Scorpio Man
There is initial attraction between a Libran woman and a Scorpio man, but things can get weary with time. His passion and intimacy can be too much for her free spirit to handle. For the Scorpio male, her mild flirtation with acquaintances can be quite disturbing and he would also come between her independence and freedom. However, since both of them have something that the other can learn from, the relationship can turn out to be a mutual learning experience. The duo would have great time discussing intellectual things and hold great affinity for each other.

2. Libra & Sagittarius

Libra Man & Sagittarius Woman
The coming together of a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman would result in a fruitful relationship. They gel very well together and have characteristics that complement each other’s personality and individuality. The Libra male would be overwhelmed by her outward nature and loving behavior, while the Sagittarius female will respect his need for fair judgment. There would be difference of opinions between the two, but things would sort out without any major conflicts. With a little bit of understanding, the couple has the potential to have a perfect life together
Libra Woman & Sagittarius Man
Though a Libran woman and a Sagittarius man can go very well together, things come in a tight spot in the initial phase. This is because they both fear commitment, which can take a long time to come. However, eventually the female and male would get close to each other. While she would be the balancing agent for him, he, would make her more creative. Both of them love to meet new people, which would be advantageous, as neither of the two would feel jealous or insecure. The relationship would be a pleasurable experience for both of them and have loads of compatibility.

3. Libra & Pisces


Libra Man & Pisces Woman
Though the initial phase of the relationship can be pleasing, things may not proceed in the way it had started. The love match would not be a perfect one, but with some conscious efforts, things can turn otherwise. There are certain differences between the two, which are very prominent. However, with understanding the situations can change for the better. Since a Libra male as well as a Piscean female is overtly inclined towards romance and they will have to capitalize on this particular aspect of their relationship.

Libra Woman & Pisces Man
Romance is high on cards when a Libran woman and a Piscean man come together in a relationship. Still, the problems are not less. While the male is dreamy and prefers to live in his world of fantasy and fancy, the female is realistic and does not share any indulgence of dreamy world. The other hitch in their relationship would be that while he is the emotional types, she is the intellectual one of the two.

4. Libra and Libra

 Librans love the feeling of high and ecstasy that come when they are in love. They can be one of the most romantic couples, spending quality time with each other, doing things which take their compatibility to the highest levels possible. Since they share mutual interests, they would spend a great time together, appreciating art, films and cultural activities. Once they (male or female) decide on something, Librans would do anything to achieve it. They will happy indulging in all kinds of discussions with each other, be it psychological, intellectual or frivolous. Librans tend to avoid conflicts or clashes, by moving away from the situation or taking no stand at all. This diplomacy of might also create problems. Then, there is the typical slowness in decision making. Still, if they take little care, two Librans can make one of the best paired couples.

5. Libra & Capricorn

 Libra Man & Capricorn Woman
The coming together of a Libra man and a Capricorn woman is like attraction between two opposite things. There is vast difference in the two and their relationship may result in a lot of conflict and clash. While she loves to be on her own and likes to be organized, he loves to explore new avenues and is less organized than her, enough to create problems. Though the Libra male is not flirtatious by nature, he loves being the center of attraction and that can make her go green with envy.

 Libra Woman & Capricorn Man
The match of a Libra woman and Capricorn man can be a difficult one. There is a vast difference in their personality and this can make the compatibility suffer. She will find him very dull as compared to her enthusiastic nature. Whilst the Libra female is a free bird, who would do things for fun and pleasure, the Capricorn male is sure to spoil her mood by coming up with strong resentment for the kind of activity she indulges in. He would also dislike her extravagant manners. One thing which they would have in common is their love for art and culture. If they work on their relationship, this love match would be a happy and contented one.

 6. Libra & Aquarius

 Libra Man & Aquarius Woman
The union of a Libran man and an Aquarius woman is a match of equals, where both share same grounds of love, peace and contentment. From being best friends to a great boyfriend/girlfriend to perfect soul mates, the duo is exceptional. Libra male is very open and expressive of his feelings and would use creative ways to make her feel special and unique. The Aquarius female, on the other hand, would attract him with her good looks and intelligent conversation. Together, they would build a castle of love and happiness.

 Libra Woman & Aquarius Man
The only hitch between the two is her decision making problem and his commitment problem. Once past this, they form a perfect couple and would share great time together. Since both of them love freedom, confinement and domination will have no place in their relationship. While she would be fond of his adventurous nature, he would find her intellect and intellectual discussion attractive. Loyalty towards the partner has a prominent place in this relationship and both would work to take their compatibility to higher levels.

 7. Virgo & Libra


Virgo Man & Libra Woman
A Virgo man and a Libran woman are complete opposites when it comes to their cognitive skills. While he thinks rationally - from the head, she thinks emotionally - from the heart. This difference results in compatibility problems between the two. His practical, unemotional and reserved nature is sure to be problematic for her emotional and caring nature. His nose for perfection is also a matter of concern for this match. Still, even after so many tiffs, the relationship can work well with some conscious efforts.

 Virgo Woman & Libra Man
The compatibility between a Virgo woman and a Libran man might get rough ends right from the start. The big difference between them is their outlook in life –she is the practical sorts and looks at things rationally. She is also very particular about perfection and love to criticize. On the other hand, a Libran man is the emotional sorts, who take each issue to his heart. He is also indecisive and irresolute, which makes things worse for the couple. The only way things can turn out pleasant is when they ignore each other’s negative aspect.

8. Leo & Libra

Leo Man & Libra Woman
The union of a Leo man and a Libran woman would result in a fantastic, long-term relationship, where each would complement the other. A great chemistry would bud between the Leo male and the Libra female. While he loves to be the leader and take decisions, she will be happy following him. The duo will be amicable and love to interact with people and make friends. Both of them would be the cynosure of the eyes around them and appreciate the finer things in life. Romance, passion, love, fun and excitement will be the high points in their life.

Leo Woman & Libra Man
A Leo woman and a Libran man pose as a great romantic couple and would woo each other often. They have a lot in common when it comes to their basic personality and characteristics and thus, will have fun doing different activities together. On the love front, the Libra male would be the creative one of the two and come out with interesting ways to please the Leo female. She, on the other hand, would be full of appreciation, care and attention for him. This is an utmost romantic association and has all the possibilities of turning into a meaningful relationship.

Free Compatibility guide Virgo Horoscope

9. Cancer & Libra

Cancer Man & Libra Woman
At the start of this relationship, things would be very pleasant. However, with time, the dissimilarities would start creating a rift that would not be easy to mend. Almost on every parameter of life, he will differ from her. This can be well judged with the example that while she loves to spend, all he thinks of is saving. While she is very expressive, he will not be able to display his emotions and feelings very easily. The Crab is also the more practical and realistic of the two. Constant communication is the only way things can be sorted out between the two.
Cancer Woman & Libra Man
A Cancer woman and a Libra man have completely opposing characteristics. Nothing matches between the two, be it physical, emotional or psychological level. While he wants intellectual stability, she craves for emotional constancy. This does not mean that the Libra male is devoid of romance and love. But, his need for intellectual stimulation is greater. If the Cancer female makes an effort to instigate his romantic capabilities, things can definitely turn out to be wonderful. This love match demands lots of efforts and adjustments, on both sides, to be successful.

10. Gemini & Libra

Gemini Man & Libra Woman
Except for a few grey areas, a Gemini man and a Libran woman would share great compatibility. They will have an amazing chemistry and be extremely fond of each other. Being social animals, they love meeting new people and will always be found going from one party to another. While intelligence of the Gemini male and conversational capabilities allure the Libra female, her passionate ways and balancing nature is far too appealing for him to resist. The only hitch they will face is their mutual inability to take decision. Apart from this, the couple will be great in every field of life - physically, emotionally and psychologically.

Gemini Woman & Libra Man
Experimentation is the keyword for the relationship between a Gemini woman and a Libra man. Both the Gemini female and the Libra male are extremely outgoing and enjoy each other's company, be it in a party or at the comfort of home. Love and romance will be the high points in the relationship. Since both are spendthrifts, money might be an issue in the bondage. There will have to learn to control their extravagance. Otherwise, they will be left with zero savings. Other than that, the union would be a total win-win situation for both, as they would satisfy each other in all the aspects of life.

11. Taurus & Libra

Taurus Man & Libra Woman
Initially, things would go fine with the duo, but after sometime, they would not be able cope up with each other's contrasting qualities. The Libran woman is outgoing and gregarious by nature and the home-bird' nature of the Bull is likely to make her feel bound. The Libra female would feel trapped and imprisoned by his stay-at-home attitude. Since she loves independence and freedom, his possessiveness would also not go well with her. On the other hand, he would despise her indecisiveness and vacillation.

Taurus Woman & Libra Man
With some conscious efforts, the love match between a Taurus woman and a Libran man might succeed. Romance is high on cards in this particular combination. Both are passionate and would bask in the glory of love. However, problems will crop up in the long-run. He is not the sorts to readily agree to long term commitment, which is likely to raise the insecurity bells for the Taurean woman. Since the man is more of a free-bird, the woman would have to learn to give him space and not be clingy. While she would be impressed by the diplomacy of the Libran man, he would like her determination. A good match if both the male and female learn to adjust with each other.

12.Aries & Libra


Aries Man & Libra Woman
Adjustment is the key to the relationship between Aries male and Libra female. There are many similarities in them such as their extrovert nature, love for talking and interaction. However, something which is contrasting to both of them is their temperament. One is indecisive which makes the other irritated. This irritation can result in the outburst of temper of the Aries which might further distort the harmony of the Libran. Libra woman loves peace and hates arguments which is quite opposing to Aries man who loves to fight.

Aries Woman & Libra Man
Libran man is indecisive and would think of a whole lot of things to come to a conclusion. He is forever-changing his opinions which makes it very difficult for the woman to cope up with. While the Libra male is laid- back, the Aries female is impulsive and spontaneous which makes it difficult for the duo at times. However, in times of need, the Libran man would always be at the side of his woman and protect her from all odds. Since he is very romantic, the woman need not worry about romantic outings as they are definitely on cards.

Libra is the only zodiac symbol that's neither animal nor human -- but surely that doesn't make you any less human. In fact, Libra is among the most sociable of the signs. As scales of old were really "balances," so too do you seek balance in that entire Libra does. You respond to situations with grace as Libra attempts to put others at ease. Artistically, Libra tries to balance form, content, colors and elements, and for this reason can be drawn toward creative endeavors.

The greatest balancing act is between self and others, and it is here that many Libras focus their energy. Here, in the realm of interpersonal relationships, you are a champion. Libra know how to be the charming host or hostess. Libra can sense what others want before they ask for it. And you can make the needs of others a higher priority than your own. In fact, Libra is the shuttle diplomats of the zodiac, going back and forth between the extremes until a solution is negotiated.

The Libra motto might be "To every action there is an opposite and equal reaction." It is your innate sense of cause and effect that makes you so effective as a strategist. Whether it's playing chess, relationship counseling or civic planning, you know how to be effective while staying in the middle of the road. Your easygoing attitude can serve you and others well, but don't forget that your needs cannot go totally unfulfilled or you won't have anything to give to others.


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