Free, new and Printable FSOT (Foreign Service officer test) Sample Questions Part VII (1-100)

Free and new FSOT test Sample Questions for 2013-14

This is 6th part of blog on Free FSOT test Sample Questions for 201314. In this part you will see questions related to FSOT World History and Geography Questions. These questions can be practice for other World History and Geography Exams too.

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Free FSOT test Sample Questions- World History and Geography Practice Questions 73-83


Q 73

After the historic Battle of Midway during WWII, the United States' navy:

A. Was the equal of or superior to Japanese naval forces
B. Completely controlled the Pacific Ocean for the remainder of the war
C. Was forced to withdraw from the Pacific theater for a short time
D. Suffered defeats in most naval battles with Japan fought over the next year

Q 74
 The IAEA was founded in 1957, has a current membership of 140 nations, and states as one of its goals:

A. The safeguarding of nuclear materials
B. The eradication of human rights violations
C. The equality of women in all aspects of society
D. The creation of educational institutions in developing nations
Q 75
 Which of the following Latin American nations did not win independence from European control until the twentieth century?

A. Venezuela
B. Ecuador
C. Paraguay
D. Grenada

Q 76
Which of the following conflicts resulted from European trade practices with China in the eighteenth century?

A. The Opium Wars
B. The War of the Roses
C. The Napoleonic Wars
D. The Crusades

Q 77
 The following are all member of the Group of 8 or G8 nations, who together represent more than one half of the world's economy in terms of dollars, with the exception of:

A. Italy
B. Canada
C. Russia
D. China
Q 78
 Which Southern Pacific island(s) is not considered a United States ' territory or protectorate?

A. Palmyra Atoll
B. Guam
C. Northern Mariana Islands
D. Cook Islands

Q 79
 Which of the following women is recognized for her role in founding the American Red Cross which eventually grew into an international relief agency?

A. Elizabeth Dole
B. Clara Barton
C. Florence Nightingale
D. Victoria Woodhull

Q 80
 Which of the following nations is on the United States' official list of state sponsors of terrorism?

A. Sudan
B. South Korea
C. Saudi Arabia
D. Jordan

Q 81
During the collapse of the Roman Empire in the west, the Byzantine Empire rose to power in the east centered around the capital city of Constantinople now located in which country?

A. Greece
B. Macedonia
C. Turkey
D. Egypt

Q 82
 Islam is the official state religion of all of the following nations except:

A. Somalia
B. Tunisia
C. Kuwait
D. Turkey

Q 83
Which of the following was a Nobel Peace Prize recipient in 1994 for his efforts to bring peace to the Middle East ?

A. Yasser Arafat
B. Ariel Sharon
C. William (Bill) Clinton
D. Anwar al-Sadat

Answer sheet-Free FSOT test Sample Questions- World History and Geography Practice Questions 73-83

73. A. This battle was major victory for the United States navy which was struggling to recover from the losses of Pearl Harbor. It created a much more equal situation between the U.S. and Japan in terms of power and resources, encouraged U.S. offensive plans in the Pacific, and prevented Japanese domination of the region.

74. A. The International Atomic Energy Agency was founded to address growing concerns about safety in the nuclear age. It is an independent agency often utilized by the U.N. in the inspections process.

75. D. Grenada was granted its independence from the United Kingdom in 1974.

76. A. Hostilities broke out between Britain and China during the middle of the century due to Britain's continued attempts to import opium into China in trade for Chinese goods. This continued even when the Chinese government passed bans on opium and demanded capital punishment for native opium traffickers.

77. D. The group has been meeting, usually annually, since the 1970's. Originally only a group of seven, Russia was added at the end of the Cold War. Although they tackle numerous issues, the economy tends to take center stage. Meetings or summits are often the focus of anti-globalization protestors.

78. D. The Cook Islands were once a British territory, but are now an independent democracy which is voluntarily associated with New Zealand.

79. B. Clara Barton headed efforts during the American Civil War to provide aid to injured soldiers and notify family members of their loved ones' whereabouts. She offered her services a few years later to war torn Europe. She officially established the American Red Cross in 1881 with the goal of providing aid to the victims of war and natural disaster under a flag of neutrality.

80. A. Sudan is one of six nations currently listed by the U.S. State Department as having repeatedly supported acts of international terrorism. Sudan has a history of providing safe haven and training grounds to suspected and known terrorists.

81. C. The former city of Constantinople is now known as Istanbul and is the most populated city in Turkey.

82. D. According to its constitution, religious freedom is mandated in Turkey even though it is predominantly Muslim. Religious minorities do experience discrimination in some areas of society.

83. A. Arafat was the joint recipient along with Shimon Peres and Yitshak Rabin for their efforts in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict including historic allowances by Israel for Palestinian self-government.


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