Free, new and Printable FSOT (Foreign Service officer test) Sample Questions Part VIII (1-100)

Free and new FSOT test Sample Questions for 2013-14

This is 8th part of blog on Free FSOT test Sample Questions for 201314. In this part you will see questions related to FSOT Communication Questions. These questions can be practice for other Communication Exams too.

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Free FSOT test Sample Questions- Communication Practice Questions 84-93

Question 84
 You are the public spokesperson for a large company which has recently experienced a scandal involving a key employee. When contacting radio stations to present the company's position on this situation, keep in mind they are interested in actualities or:

A. a basic list of facts surrounding the incident
B. a 30 or 60 second story
C. exclusive rights to the story
D. recorded comments by those involved for use on air

Question 85
 The Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI) is a tool that can identify a person's basic preferences in a number of areas including communication styles. According to this tool, which type of personality is most likely to make decisions based on logic and reason, avoiding the influence of emotions, values, and attitudes?

A. Introvert
B. Thinking
C. Perceiving
D. Feeling
Question 86
 An organization's lateral communications system is most likely to involve which of the following exchanging messages?

A. supervisors and their direct employees
B. employees with similar responsibilities in different departments
C. employees with different responsibilities in the same department
D. company media representatives and the media

Question 87
 In order to convince your audience to support your proposed changes to the organization's structure, any speech to them must be of what type?

A. informative
B. persuasive
C. entertaining
D. impromptu

Question 88
 You are giving a news brief to the media on your organization's response to a crisis situation that has emerged. One way to avoid miscommunication is to:

A. use as many words a possible
B. use abstract terms to avoid being committal
C. define relative words
D. use acronyms instead of entire organizational names

Question 89
 Considering that some experts believe more than one half of the emotional meaning of a message comes from non-verbal communication, an important consideration in delivering a speech to an audience is:

A. avoiding overdressing for the occasion
B. keeping your voice low to avoid the impression of yelling
C. choice of vocabulary
D. culturally significant gestures

Question 90
 When considering the exact wording of a speech that you are writing, the most important consideration given should be to:

A. using high level vocabulary that indicates your educational achievement
B. avoiding words that must be explained or defined
C. using effective vocabulary that clearly communicates your message
D. limit or avoid the use of highly technical terms

Question 91
 If your organization is hosting a charitable fundraising event and wants to increase attendance and participation, you might partner with local media to produce:

A. a press release
B. an advance story
C. a blind interview
D. a style guide

Question 92
 Your organization's public relations representative gives an interview to a local newspaper with the understanding that the interview is “on the record”. The PR representative has consented to:

A. full use of his comments and name in publication
B. full use of his comments in publication, but not his name
C. limited use of his comments with editorial rights and full use of his name
D. limited use of his comments with editorial rights, but no use of his name

Question 93
 When considering potential sources of information to use in printed or verbal communication, you should consider FOI laws which:

A. give public access to government information
B. allow defamation lawsuits against individuals and entities
C. require verification of facts before publication
D. govern publication on the internet

Free FSOT test Sample Questions- Communication Practice Questions 84-93

84. D These recorded statements would be from principals in the event. Recorded or live commentary is especially important to a news medium with no visual aspect.
85. B The MBTI divides behavioral types into four somewhat opposing pairs. The Thinking-Feeling pair describes personality types that make decision in a detached, logical way or an emotional, values driven way.
86. B Lateral communication is usually part of an informal system, linking employees at similar levels of responsibility that do not work directly together. Management should recognize the importance of this type of communication as well as the risk it poses to bypassing the chain of command.
87. B While informative and entertaining speeches could serve your purpose, they are not required. After leaving a successful persuasive speech, people would want to make change. Impromptu speaking should be avoided as it lacks the key element of planning.
88. C Excessive wordiness, use of acronyms that might be confusing, and abstract terms all increase the likelihood of miscommunication. Defining relative terms makes your position and statement clear. For example, instead of saying, “a large group”, say, “a group of about 1000”.
89. D Gestures mean different things among different cultures and consideration should be given to the make up of the audience to avoid offending them. Dressing well no matter the audience or occasion is a sign of respect. A low voice is likely to prevent some audience members from hearing and choice of vocabulary is not non-verbal.
90. C Effective vocabulary should always be your goal. This means it is not so simple that the meaning is ambiguous such as the word, “great” and not so advanced so as to leave most audience members confused. It is okay to use words that must be explained, including highly technical terms, if they are relevant to the presentation.
91. B Although a press release could cover the event in advance, it would generally be produced in house and not in cooperation with media. An advance is a story highlighting an upcoming event.
92. A “On the record” implies full use of all comments and the full name of the source.
93. A Freedom of information (FOI) laws allow public access to all government records. There are some limitations regarding classified information and government agencies can charge reasonable fees to provide the information.


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