Easy Tips to overcome back to school nervousness

Free Tips to overcome new back to school nervousness

This is my 5th blog on Back to School (BTS) deals and ideas. In the last blog we found info about high paying scholarships.

In this blog we will see how to deals with back to school apprehension.

Many kids may feel anxious about going back to school after a long summer break. Others may feel nervous about starting school for the first time. Whichever the case may be, parents can help ease the transition to back to school with these simple strategies.
Organize your home for back to school. A great way to ease some of your child's anxiety about going back to school is by getting your home ready for the transition. Strategies such as making school lunches the night before or establishing a comfortable homework area can help make kids feel more in control and relieve some of their anxious feelings.

The first day of school can be a stressful time for students starting out their college and university careers.  Nervousness over enrolling in a new school - maybe even in a new city - or returning for another year on campus can be counterproductive to academic and social life. Here are some new ways to deal with school-related stress.

What are triggers of stress?

People with anxiety start to overcome it by zeroing in on triggers and how their anxiety physically manifests itself.

Understand why feeling discomfort

Before you can take steps to reduce your anxiety, it is important to understand the nature of your discomfort.

What are the signs?

What thoughts and predictions contribute to my anxiety? Do I blush, sweat, shake, or lose my train of thought?

How to deals with Anxiety


1. To deal with stress, people must challenge their anxious thinking. Try to shift the way you think about social situations and look at them the way someone without social anxiety might think about them.

2. Try to purposely put yourself in situations which may cause stress so that you become familiar with them.

3. One of the most powerful ways to overcome anxiety involves purposely exposing yourself to the situations you fear, over and over again, until you feel more comfortable.

4. Take him for a visit to the school. If your child is starting kindergarten or first grade, he may be uneasy about going into a new building. Older grade-schoolers may be nervous about being in a new classroom or meeting a new teacher. To alleviate some of these concerns, ask your school about arranging a visit to school and meeting the teacher before school begins.

5. Make a couple of drives back and forth from home to school. Whether your child will walk, take a school bus, or be driven to school by mom or dad, helping him become familiar with the route to and from school will make considerably ease back to school anxiety. Even if your child is already familiar with the route to school, making a pre first-day run will remind him where school is, and help him feel more connected to where he will go on the first day back to school.

6. Go over the basics. Where will he hang his jacket? Where will he go to the bathroom? Where will he eat lunch? Knowing the answers to some of these questions will help make your child feel more comfortable in his new classroom.


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