How I resolved my HP laptop Overheating problem (instantly shutting down)
Use simple tips to keep your laptop/computer away from Overheating problem
Last year I purchased a new HP laptop and I was very happy with its performance. Last month I was getting message of overheating with hibernation. I was worried what to do with this problem. After hard work and research I took following step to resolve this problem.

Laptop/PC Overheating and instantly shutting down
A computer instantly shutting down is the worst kind of problem when it comes to computer problems that completely render your computer useless. If it is a constant problem then your computer will always seems to instantly shut off when it reaches a certain point. The computer overheating may be the problem that you have.
The computer overheating may be a sign that the computer has shut down to prevent damage to the computer. This feature does not always work. Sometimes the heat is so intense and sudden that the damage occurs before the processor has a time to force an automatic shut down. The worse kind of damage is when the processor partially melts and falls out of position.
Step 1- Clear blocked airways under part of laptop
To fix this problem of a HP laptop overheating is pretty simple. All you have to do is clear out the airway, so the laptop will be able to lose the heat that the heat sink is carrying. If your hand is uncomfortable from the heat just by being near the touchpad then you should get started on fixing the problem as soon as possible.
Step 2 Removing Laptop Battery When Computer is Plugged In
Yes, the battery needs to be connected when a laptop is charging. But, the battery can be removed when the computer is plugged in for long periods of work time. The Battery University explains the overheating problems that can result from the combination of a fully-charged battery and a computer running on fixed power. To prolong your battery's life and to eliminate such high temperatures, consider removing the battery when it's not needed.
Step 3 Taking Cool-Down Breaks
My computer and I tend to lose our cool at around the same time so taking work breaks is optimal for both of us. Hibernating your computer and taking a walk around the block or grabbing a snack can help keep you refreshed and can help give your computer a needed rest.
Step 4. Keeping room temperature cool
Keeping the room's overall temperature lower can obviously help keep your computer cool. Winter is a wonderful time to put on an extra sweater and be grateful that your laptop is doing okay temperature-wise.
Step 5. Increasing Airflow by Propping Up laptop
Consider Using Egg Carton Sockets, a Large Textbook, or a DIY Cardboard Structure
I place two egg carton sockets underneath my computer, one on the back left and one on the back right; I thought he was surely joking. I reluctantly agreed to try the trick out, but I actually found it worked wonders. Allowing for increased circulation, propping your laptop up with a textbook or some homemade cardboard structure can help you ease your computer troubles in a cost-effective way.
Step 6 Start using Cooling fan
I know this is an underhanded idea to include on a list of free recommendations. This fan, plugging in like a USB, and has worked incredibly well in keeping my laptop cooler than it otherwise would have been.
Please share if you have any cool ideas to keeping cool laptop..
Please share if you have any cool ideas to keeping cool laptop..