How to Give a Gift of Love to your Father without spending any money
Free Father days Gift ideas
In the USA, UK and Canada - Fathers' Day is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday in June since being made a national holiday in 1966. In Australia and New Zealand, fathers are honored the first Sunday in September. Other countries celebrate fathers throughout the year. This year father day is on. Sunday, June 20, 2021
History of Father Day
The origin of Father’s Day actually dates back to the early twentieth century. The original idea was to be able to honor all the single dads, the same way all of the mothers were being honored with Mother's Day. The overall tradition has been said to originate from Spokane Washington by a young
lady by the name of Sonora Smart Dodd. She was sitting in church listening to a sermon dedicated to Mother’s Day when she thought of the great idea. This young lady was actually raised by her father, who was a veteran of the Civil War, after her mother had passed while giving birth to their sixth child. She began to think about all that her father had done for her and the family over the years and realized how special to her that her father really was. Even through all of the hardships and doubts he was able to raise all the children by himself. She also came to realize that he was actually a very dedicated, generous, and loving man that had never asked for anything in return. Because of the fact that her dad's birthday was actually in June Mrs. Dodd decided to hold the very first Father’s Day June 19, 1910.
lady by the name of Sonora Smart Dodd. She was sitting in church listening to a sermon dedicated to Mother’s Day when she thought of the great idea. This young lady was actually raised by her father, who was a veteran of the Civil War, after her mother had passed while giving birth to their sixth child. She began to think about all that her father had done for her and the family over the years and realized how special to her that her father really was. Even through all of the hardships and doubts he was able to raise all the children by himself. She also came to realize that he was actually a very dedicated, generous, and loving man that had never asked for anything in return. Because of the fact that her dad's birthday was actually in June Mrs. Dodd decided to hold the very first Father’s Day June 19, 1910.
However, it was originally intended for June fifth, which was her father's actual birthday but, she did not have enough time to prepare the festivities. There are other people in the US that actually credit Mrs. Charles Clayton of West Virginia and not Mrs. Dodd for the idea of Father’s day. However, even today most history books still give the credit to Mrs. Dodd.
Today Father’s Day is celebrated with gifts and maybe even a special dinner out. However, in the beginning of Father’s Day it was honored by wearing flowers. In Mrs. Dodds case she choose to wear red flowers while her father was living but, when he passed she decided on a white flower to honor his death. In 1926 a committee was created in New York to honor Father’s day. In 1956 it became recognized as a day of celebration by a Joint Resolution Of Congress. In 1972 President Nixon had made Father’s Day a permanent national holiday. It was also during this time that it was decided that it continue to be celebrated every third Sunday in June. Father’s Day is a day to show all the dads out there how much you truly love and appreciate everything that they have done. Why not share the history of Father’s Day with your dad this year and carry on the tradition of wearing flowers in your dad's favorite color.
Usually all father not need any costly gift from their kids, they just needs respect and message of love. In this blog you will get ideas to give a gift to father without spending any cents. In bad economic times we all have common problem in sparing some money to buy an expensive git to our dads. Dads always understand what our conditions are so whatever you will give to him he will always appreciate. So let us see what those ideas which we all can use to give free gift to our dad.
1. Homemade Flowers bouquet
Create a homemade bouquet of roses/flowers. Present this to your father before dinner.
2. Make a Breakfast
Start the days of your father with a nice breakfast e.g. nice toast with juice
3. Atleast a Phone Call
If your father lives far or in a same city you must call him regularly .I think it is good idea to call him on father days to wish him good health and long life. I usually call him every week so on father days I have same routine.
4. Running/Jogging:
Go for a jog or run with your dad. This will make the nice starts for this day celebration. If your dad does not like to go for running or jogging skip for 2nd step
5. Prepare a Special Dinner
Prepare a nice dinner for dad. Prepare all dad favourite dishes. Have a family dinner together.
6. Create an info barrel. Blog -.or other free blog about your dad-.
You can add some old photos about him in Dad's Blog
7. Watch some old family videos/DVD
Set aside a night to watch with your mother old family videos/DVD . This way we will all remember our past time.
8. Dad’s TV Time
Let the father watch his favourite programs. Enjoy the TV programs with him.
9. Plan a Fishing or Golf trip
Plan a Fmily trip for fishing or golf game
10 Surprise Garage/Room Cleaning
When father comebacks from work try to clean his garage and his room
11. Free Email card on Father Day
Send him free email cards with following personalized messages:
Father's Day is a very special day.
Here's a great big hug
And lots of kisses too.
Each one says that I love you!”
12. Big Hug
Give him a hug - A big big one … may be more than 1 minute one