Free Tips to Enjoy 2011 Holiday Menu without Gaining Extra Waistline.

You can enjoy holiday food in 2011, with little or no weight gain? Yes it can be done! Follow these tips and enjoy.Here you find some free tips to revise your holiday’s food menu with some healthy choices:

1. Avoid skipping meals.

 Not eating throughout the day can lead to overeating later in the day. Instead, have several small nutritious snacks or meals during the day. Try low-fat yogurt, fruit or fruit salad, vegetable sticks, leafy green salads

2. Healthy Appetizers

Veggie trays make for a wholesome first course. Replace ranch dip with a hummus spread or yougurt made dip to keep the appetizer low in calories.

3. Reduce Use of Condiments (butter, sour cream, brown sugar)

Condiments are sneaky calorie culprits. Manage your meal by keeping the condiment count under control. Cut down on butter, sour cream, brown sugar and other high-calorie garnishes.

4. Cook your own Sauce instead of canned

Cranberries/strawberry is an excellent source of vitamin C. Create your cranberry/ strawberry sauce with fresh fruit in place of the canned variety to maximize the nutritional value while minimizing sugar content. Use artificial sweetener in place of sugar to really take your sauce to healthier heights.

5. Desserts are biggest culprit

Use sweet potatoes make for a nutritious dessert. These holiday favourites are full of nutrients, such as vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, potassium, and fibre. Top with margarine

6. Make over the Mashed Potatoes

Potatoes are packed with potassium and other nutrients, most of which lie in the skin. Try mashing yours (skins included) with margarine and low-fat milk to retain the nutrients and reduce the fat. Slim down your gravy recipe by replacing turkey fat with low-fat broth.


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