Free Safety Tips to Enjoy Halloween 2011 for whole family (video)

This is my 4rth blog on Halloween 2011. In this blog you will find how to enjoy Halloween 2011 without any bad incidents. It is important to keep your child's safety in mind when planning costumes, decorations, treats and activities on the special day itself. Lit jack-o-lanterns, flimsy or complicated costumes, street traffic and unsafe treats are just some of the risks. With some simple precautions, you can make sure that Halloween is a safe and happy experience for the whole family. Halloween should be a treat for everyone, so we have produced the following safety tips to help make sure your kids have fun in safety!

In this part of blog first you will find free Safety tips for Costumes.

1. Dress Warm clothing

Cold and wet weather can be harmful to children. Choose costumes that can be worn over warm clothing, but are not baggy enough to trip over.

2. Flame-Resistant Costumes

Flammable materials, flowing skirts, baggy sleeves and over-sized costumes can all be hazards around candles or flames. Avoid costumes with
Baggy sleeves or flowing skirts and look for costumes, beards and wigs that are labelled "Flame-Resistant." Nylon or heavyweight polyester costumes are best. Remember, "Flame-Resistant" does not mean fire-proof.

3. Brightly coloured costumes a good idea

Pick brightly coloured costumes that can be clearly seen by motorists. Add reflective tape to the costume to increase visibility.

4. Face paint better than masks

Use make-up or face paint instead of masks. Improperly fitted masks can interfere with your child's vision or breathing. If you do choose a mask, make sure it fits properly and allows them to see and breathe properly.

5. Use flexible material toy weapons

Toy weapons such as swords, knives and other accessories can cause injuries so make sure they are always made of flexible material.

6. Care with Lenses

Coloured contact lenses that change eye colour should be avoided because they can cause injury to a child's eyes.

7. Wearing visible clothing (reflective tape)

If your children are going to be out on the streets, make sure they are wearing visible clothing. Perhaps you could put reflective tape on their costumes.

8. Easy to move Costumes

Costumes should not be too long or restrict your child’s freedom to move.


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