2013 Free Horoscope/ Astrology (Detail monthly Predictions from Aeries to Pisces) Part IV

2013 Free Horoscope/ Astrology (Detail monthly Predictions from Aeries to Pisces) Part IV

In this blog you will find more information Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. These birth sign people are born from Dec. 22 And Mar 20.

 In this blog you will also find monthly breakdown of your luck too...

Capricorn Free Horoscope (Born Dec 22 to Jan 20)

Capricorn Sun sign peoples are ruled by Saturn. Capricorns are usually friendly, trustworthy and reliable people. They are a bit serious in nature and at times witty.

The year 2013 offers you a promising and smooth life ahead, provided you leave all the tensions and stresses aside. They haven’t benefitted you in the previous year; nor will they do in the upcoming one. Then, isn’t it best to kick them away and proceed further, looking for a more prospective and happening future? The mantra for 2013 – do not pressurize you mentally or physically. For a more compelling and relaxing life, keep

yourself free from any kind of tensions and worries. You’ll be given extra attention from family and close ones. Though they may have mixed intentions behind this special interest, but that’s not your cup of coffee. Simply sit back and enjoy being in the limelight! But, avoid making too many demands, lest you may be shown the way down. All you need to do is appreciate the respect given to you. Since the first half of the month may not be fulfilling, postpone your property deals to the second half for better returns.



Health and Relationships in 2013

Singles will soon find a prospective partner, with whom they may even tie the nuptial bond. And if you like someone, this is the time to confess your love and reveal your inner cravings for your sweetheart, which are otherwise hidden in some corner of your heart. You’ll have to be patient and in control to keep yourself healthy. Where health matters are concerned, you cannot compromise with diet, sleep or exercise, though they should be incorporated into your lifestyle gradually. Your energy levels will boost up and your well-being will improve, around mid-year.

Professional/Career in 2013


Both finance and career will favor your side in the year 2013. Those planning to switch a job, this is the right period. While money will come to you easily, it is advised that you save for the rainy days rather than regretting later on. Especially in the first half of the year, you’ll have to keep a good check on your expenses. Job seekers will be offered bountiful employment opportunities with a lucrative salary. Your creativity and intelligence will take you places and raise you to a higher level. Responsibilities will flow in and all your efforts will be awarded and appreciated. Want more? You’ll become a role model for your co-workers - your superior says so. However, never step back while seeking advice from experienced colleagues, which will further smoothen your professional track. Those working in education and accounting will be highly rewarded.

Love and Romance in 2013

This year brings lots of love and loyalty for Capricorns. Take this period as an opportunity to ignite the romantic passion buried within you. Expect a complete transformation in love life, but handle your partner with care and tenderness. With the stars highly spirited, both partners will love the company of each other, giving umpteen intimate moments to enjoy. Newly wedded couples will sketch out a new life plan, setting their respective priorities. Some of you are likely to take your marriage life to a second level and plan to conceive a baby, especially in the second quarter. In that case, be happy and delighted, and include everyone in the celebrations.

What each month of 2013 will bring to your luck?

January 2013

You’ll be more comfortable in spending time with people with similar qualities and temperament. Those looking for tenants for their premises will succeed in finding a suitable one. Travel is on the cards, wherein you are likely to meet an old relative or friend; thus, refreshing old, cherished memories. Your purpose of extending a helping hand to someone in social life will be respected. Professionally, you’ll not be benefitted by pushing things too much. Hence, avoid it. No issues with love life and health are predicted.

February 2013

Taking all the workload on your shoulders can increase your burden. Allocate to your subordinates and co-workers for effective results. A decision that you’ve taken may be inappropriate; thus, give it another thought before acting upon it. Regular meetings with people will add to your popularity in your social circle. Academics can bother you as certain things can go above your head. Have control over yourself to keep peer pressure at bay. An advice coming along your way will be helpful in getting hold of a situation.

March 2013

A delightful month is on the cards. Good news will flow in from someone close, taking you to cloud nine. You’ll become financially stable, overcoming any hindrances related to money. Professional problems are solved. An invitation to a party is likely to come along for some, while some may even throw a party. Romantic life will take the next toll, someone whom you are secretly seeing will respond to your signals. Enjoy the company of an important person to shorten the distance of a probable long journey.

April 2013

Support will not flow in easily; you’ll have to make efforts to seek help. Marketing professionals have higher chances of receiving a handsome offer. To stay head-to-head with others, concentration on studies is required on regular basis. Monetary matters are likely to improve further. Being the center of attraction, you’ll be adding people to your list of contacts. Professionally, your hard work will be recognized. Expect guests at home to add to your joyful and elated mood.

May 2013

Fulfillment of something important will please you and boost your pride. Being a favorable phase, anything you start this month will reach its completion, for sure. Preparing for exams or competition? Success will come to you with flying colors. While you had enjoyed being surrounded by people on the social front, there is someone who’ll go a step ahead to do your work – appreciate and return back accordingly. Some may buy a property at a good price.

June 2013

Your present business is likely to prosper – start planning to enlarge it further. In academics, you are on the right track while preparing for exams or a competitive test. Chances of your relocating into a new home are high, which meets your budget. Unexpected romance will flow in – have your fingers crossed and pray for the best. You are likely to travel to an outstation place.

July 2013

Professional plans will be executed smoothly, with successful results. Do not keep anyone in the dark with fake promises – you’ll feel humiliated later on. People trying to launch a new business will receive mixed consequences. Long forgotten plans will finally see the implementation stage. You have a night-out with friends on the cards, which is likely to spark new love for some. Bring changes to your normal schedule for better health.

August 2013

To make things work, it will become important for you to stick to your deal rather than negotiating. Consider efforts and networking as your good luck tip to get a profitable assignment, on the professional front. Your talents and dedication will be paid off with a handsome salary. Getting engaged in a religious ceremony will be fruitful in terms of mental peace. Fresher will have to be careful while joining a competitive field as returns will not be satisfying. Good news for homemakers! You’ll have someone to do your daily chores.

September 2013

The month requires emphasis on building relationships and fixing old broken bonds. To achieve what you’ve been eyeing on, you’ll have to infuse in doses of persistence and determination. Professional life will improve. Flow of money is expected from unpredicted sources, with financial problems subsiding slowly. Peace will come to those with a spiritual mindset. Extend your support to a family youngster, through motivation and encouragement. An exercise regimen that you’ve been following for quite some time may become difficult to maintain.

October 2013

To keep blunders at bay, show complete involvement in the concerned matter. Avoid getting too friendly with people whom you may not have known for long, for you can be deceived or taken advantage of. For students, it’s time to tighten the seat belt to get back on track. Those transferred to a new place will enjoy the new, favorable environment. To remain healthy, start walking or jogging.

November 2013

Urgent brief visits are on the cards, both on the professional and personal fronts, due to hectic schedules. At office, you’ll get an important responsibility to handle. You’ll win back your self-confidence in academics by giving your best performance. Someone needy will be thankful to you for receiving your help. Romantic life will get better as things proceed smoothly. Travel is expected, pouring in a handful of benefits in your kitty. Some of you are likely to become financially independent.

December 2013

Want to branch out or take a break from the monotonous job? You have the right time to make the move. All your endeavors will have back support from your well-wishers, piping in more confidence to take the league. You may come across with a family member suggesting you an alternative solution for the one you’ve already chosen. Singletons will be tying the nuptial knots, irrespective of whether or not they are willing to do so. All pending work will be finished off, thus, sit back and relax, at office. Those seeking a loan may have to face difficulties.

Aquarius Free Horoscope (Born Jan 21 to Feb 18)


Aquarians are ruled by Ruled by Saturn and are usually intelligent, clear and logical in their approach. Aquarians have an interesting and attractive personality and believe in setting trends.

2013 presents you a platter full of positive energies, rich possibilities, and prospective opportunities. Expect a strong influence of improvement on both personal and professional front. All your hard work will start paying off, giving you enough time to indulge in pleasure and leisure, as well. A stretch of good luck can be foreseen in all aspects of life, be it work, money or fame. With worries and anxieties moving out, your health quotient will be good, piping in more liveliness. Stay fit and fine by incorporating a healthy diet and moderate lifestyle. Your assets will increase quickly, offering you a chance to invest in real estate, though you need to be cautious while investing in any new channel. It is better to stick to commercial property rather than residential ones.


Professional/Career in 2013

Finances will favor you and yield good fruits for all the hard work you’d undertaken in the yester years. While money will flow through luck, fortune and legacy, hold back yourself on the expenditure aspect, which can otherwise hamper your future. With new directions predicted on the career field, changes and evolution will come your way, compelling you to take decisions on long-term budgets. Entrepreneurs have a potential year to take their businesses to a higher level, through expansion or new ventures. However, they’ll have to outsource some work to execute their plans. Professionals may find threats from their colleagues who’ll try to engage in workplace politics; however, they’ll manage to keep away easily. Responsibilities will be coming along those working in the government sector. Those preparing for civil service examinations will find success.

Health and Relationships in 2013

Allow your emotions and feelings to take the back seat for a positive impact on your health. Though you’ll be in good condition, take care of cold and stress. Keep some energy in the storehouse for future use. To improve your sex life, infuse in some tactics to strengthen your love life and bring harmony and meaning to the relationship.

Love and Romance in 2013

Your love life will continue to be influenced favorably on the positive end. Especially if you are in search of a new partner, this is the right time. However, if you still assume love to be a child’s play, dude, it’s time that you get serious about such sensitive issues. Since your beloved is willing to take the relationship to the next level, you’ll have to think twice before you take the leap. Avoid commitments if you aren’t ready to tie the marital knot. You’ll be surrounded by unexpected highs and lows through the first half of the year. Every small step counts; proceed cautiously!

What each month of 2013 will bring to your luck (Aquarius) ?


January 2013

Extra care is required on the health front, since you may have to encounter adverse health issues. Also, difficulties at work need to be handled with caution. A family matter will have to be dealt with flexibility. To keep the romance alive and add strength to the relationship, you’ll have to initiate. All the money saved for a specific purpose will have to be spent on another task. You’ll extract the maximum fun out of the trip you plan with your friends and associates.

February 2013

The beginning of the romantic month will smooth out things from the previous month. New opportunities can be seen on the professional end, giving you umpteen chances to try your hand at something new and different, from the usual chores. This will give you a good break and yield positive returns. A good way to refresh yourself as well! Distractions will keep you occupied, if you do not learn how to divert from them in order to focus on your academics. An issue on the personal front is expected as one of your family members is likely to feel neglected. Limit travel journeys to keep exhaustion at bay. Lastly, investing wisely will make good and more money.

March 2013

All your efforts at office will start paying off, as a popular position or assignment is coming your way. Take time to uncover your hidden talents and skills to keep yourself happy and busy throughout. A competition is in-store which you’ll conquer successfully. Money will flow from different sources – nothing to worry about. A social event will be managed effortlessly winning you accolades and admiration from all corners.

April 2013

Health issues will start departing your body, keeping you fitter and finer than before. Add a personal touch to your duties at work to receive the much-desired appreciation. Your art of solving problems at studies will make you the center of attraction. Romantic life will pep up as you may be given returns for your affections towards that someone special. An act executed by a family member will bring pride to you. An unplanned journey will provide you joy and happiness.

May 2013

Mistakes are likely to happen at the professional front; hence, keep conversations to minimum with more emphasis on the listening segment. Avoid talking and criticizing on people’s back, else you may fall in their bad books. Watch your steps again as words or actions may upset your spouse or any family member. Fulfilling a social commitment may seem to be difficult, but not impossible. The financial graph is likely to slow down, due to some problem. You’ll find success at attracting an associate towards you.

June 2013

Expect a month full of rewards, now. You’ll fly off to an international destination and explore magnificent places. Finances will yet again improve with a profitable agreement. With academics, you’ll come out with flying colors. Though money will not be a constraint, you need to spend it wisely and sensibly. You’ll enjoy your social life to the full. A plan with your friends is on the cards, which cannot be avoided.

July 2013

Making decisions without any support may seem to be difficult, but take this opportunity as a mark of motivation and proceed further. To affix yourself on the professional front, you’ll have to showcase your hidden talent and skills. At home, the prevailing atmosphere will be more joyful than expected – stay happy and enjoy. Attraction on the romantic side is on the cards. Singletons are likely to tie the marital knot soon. Purchasing a car will be a dream-come-true for some.

August 2013

Any task that you take up should be executed with impartiality. Keep an eye on the work delegated to the subordinates. You’ll have several responsibilities on your shoulders on the professional end, but will fulfill all with the right amount of dedication. Though expenses will increase, but the growing income will take care of everything. Your spouse may be in an extreme romantic mood – take this as the perfect time to plan a romantic candlelight dinner! Health will be benefitted with the steps you take now.

September 2013

You’ll be occupied with different hobbies and leisurely activities. You are likely to get too protective towards someone, resulting in revolt from your family. Keep your temper under control while revealing someone’s true self. When stuck somewhere, approach someone in your close networking. Currently, you’ll be free from any kind of monetary issues. No health concerns are predicted. Expect interference in your love life.

October 2013

Your love track may take some twists and turns, but hope for the best. By getting in touch with the right contacts, you’ll achieve success in business. A close associate is likely to come and share your home for few days. Avoid sharing your workload with your group on the academic front, as it will not do any good. Be wary of the increasing expenditures. You’ll face difficulty in adjusting the normal workout routine.

November 2013

You’ll get plenty of chances to enjoy, but don’t overexert at the cost of your health. With real estate, you can expect something realistic. Professionally, you’ll flourish in accomplishing the given targets. On the home front, a dreadful situation will be solved, with your patience and tolerance. You are likely to come across new tracks on the financial end. Be prepared for new situations and how to handle them.

December 2013

You may have to push yourself to complete an important assignment. Independent tasks will provide you better success. Professionally, your reputation will increase. In academics, you’ll have to maintain contacts with the right people for positive results. An exciting trip is on the cards. Let your heart out, to enjoy completely! A controversial property deal will be resolved with mutual agreement. Stay determined to stay fit. Good money flow is predictable.

Pisces Free Horoscope (Born Feb 19 to Mar 20)

Pisces are ruled by Neptune. They have a generous, friendly and pleasant personality having kindness and compassion. Individuals of Pisces Zodiac are generally intuitive and imaginative.

You’ll feel pumped up, as plenty of action and new ventures are in-store for you. Sufficient support will be provided by your family if you are planning to invest a large sum of your savings. Your health stars are very strong, though you’ll have to pipe in huge doses of optimism and positive attitude to stay happy. By keeping yourself both mentally and physically healthy, your overall morale is likely to be boosted exceptionally. Good news from kids is on the cards, bringing you pride. Surprises are also lined-up as siblings have get-togethers planned. Your peaceful mind might take a toll with a misunderstanding with a close one, from your spouse’s side, cropping up. Maintain your temper and tackle the situation diplomatically. Any plans to invest in real estate in your name should be called off; instead, use your family member’s name to turn fortunate.

Professional/Career in 2013


Income and expenditure promise to maintain a good balance in 2013. No obstacles have been predicted in this area. As such, you can plan your finances with a relaxed mindset and proceed further. New challenges and opportunities are foreseen. Lucrative employment offers are in the offing for those having an engineering background. Any problems and difficulties on the professional front will be sorted out and raise the line of your career graph further.

Health and Relationships in 2013

2013 is an ecstatic period for love buds! Several pleasurable moments and opportunities will come along your way – keep your eyes open! Married couples can take this phase highly beneficial for conceiving. New romance is predicted for singles. With practical changes in your lifestyle, you’ll be able to eradicate bad habits and incorporate healthy foods in your regimen. The earlier you take the steps, the healthier you’ll become. Energy and vitality will be your strengths round the year.

Love and Romance in 2013

Giving time to your lover will only strengthen your relationship and help you take the next step. Where you can dedicate time to all worldly commitments, spending some quality time with your partner is justifiable. Even though he/she is most understanding towards you, but you need to play your part as well, right? A bond is created between two hearts and not just one. All miscommunication can be disposed of by listening to your lover and speaking out your inner self. Cuddle your beloved and create a small, loving romantic world comprising of just the two of you. Bring harmony to your love life with passionate statements and thoughtful presents.

What each month of 2013 will bring to your luck (Pisces)?



January 2013

Your carelessness can lead to loss of a deal falling into your kitty. Fulfilling targets may turn difficult for marketing professionals. You may have to cancel or postpone your idea of purchasing something, due to increasing costs. The home environment is expected to be cheerful, as a fun-filled activity is coming up. To complete the task on time, keep everything ready that may be useful. Couples will get opportunities of spending time with each other.

February 2013

It’s high time that you break all contacts with the person who’s been opposing you for long, as it will not make the situation any better. You may be attracted towards a new job offer initially, but will not go for it, as it appears no more lucrative. Financial stability will favor you as you start handling money tactfully. Devoting more time to spouse will help you strengthen your relationship further. To stay fit and fine, you’ll have to sacrifice sugar-laden foods from your dietary menu. With the cupid striking everyone in this month of love, you’ll be in a complete romantic mood, encouraging you to reveal your feelings for your lover, be it through words or eyes.

March   2013

Professionally, you’ll be able to fulfill the objectives set, thanks to the situations turning into your favor. Your reputation will see further growth as you are likely to gain popularity. You’ll excel in academics, due to your dedication and hard work. Happiness and enjoyment is expected to prevail on the domestic front, as you manage to give time to your close ones. Opportunities flow in to make your bank balance heavy. You’ll stay healthy throughout.

April 2013

You’ll benefit from an advice given by someone. The month gives you chances to make yourself financially strong. Lucrative returns are foreseen from investments made in stocks. Excellence will come easily for those engaged in academics. Someone whom you’ve been eyeing for long will start responding strongly. Help flows in from a family member, adding to your social status. Your desire to buy something since long will be fulfilled. Make efforts to stay full of vigor and energy.

May 2013

You’ll be saved from financial loss, due to advice offered by someone close, on a regular basis. Though others may be distracted due to your independent ways of performing tasks, but they’ll enable you to achieve your targets. Despite hectic schedules, you’ll extract time to meet your lover and spend quality time with him/her. To complete work on time, a shorter route will have to be implemented, on the professional front. Those owning vehicles should drive carefully. Exercising regularly will keep health issues and ailments at bay.

June 2013

Welcome the month with open arms as you’ll soon be on cloud nine. Grabbing many opportunities on the professional front will enhance your career life. Excellent performance prevails in academics. Romance and intimacy continue to get both the partners closer. Adventure lovers have a thrilling holiday lined-up. Finances are expected to grow stronger. Following the regular workout schedule keeps you healthy.

July 2013

To work out things the way you want, efforts should continuously be made. Involving in exciting activities at home will make the environment happy. You’ll be appreciated for handling a complex situation at work, with a clear mind and systematic approach. Students, who are about to pass-out from college, will start diverting their focus towards seeking a rewarding job. Contacts with close ones will be made through your efforts and willingness. This is a flourishing period to add extra spice to your love life.

August   2013

Time to take the situation in your hands and reveal the true face of the devil! Investments in the past are likely to yield handsome rewards. Praise and accolades will flow in as everyone makes notice of your creative ideas – accept them as a step to climb the career graph. Something interesting is on the cards as a casual meeting with an associate is expected to mature into romance. Chances of traveling are strong.

September 2013

Working upon future plans at office? Seek feedback from co-workers for a more effective plan. Significant people will be impressed by your innovative ideas and improve your professional status. You’ll perform outstandingly on the academic front. Prior investments will fill your hands with exceptional returns. Travel is on the cards with chances of journeying to a far-off location. Singles are likely to fall in love at first sight.

October 2013

A good control over your emotions may prevent you from weakening. At office, prefer to complete your work single-handedly as delegating responsibilities to someone may not be liked. Exhibiting extra smartness in academics can turn negative – keep off to save your reputation. Acquiring a product or service at cheaper rates, due to great bargaining skills is foreseen for some. Seeking support from spouse or a family member will help you in convincing the elder to turn into your favor.

November 2013

Memories of the past, both good and bad, will keep you mentally engaged. You need to work upon your communication skills to turn things in your favor on the romantic front. There is a long journey on the cards, but might get delayed due to unavoidable reasons. Bring that million-dollar smile on your face as some of your ideas will be utilized for fulfilling assignments, at work. To stay financially sound, be watchful on your expenses. To continue riding on the good health track, avoid late night parties. Love urges you to follow the mantra – give love to receive love.

December 2013

Do not let someone’s offensive comments overrule your mind – they aren’t intentional and hence, shouldn’t bother you much. If you’ve been worrying about your bank balance for quite some time, you’ll have to take a stand and work upon reducing unnecessary expenses and increasing savings, to come out of it. You may be behind meeting the deadline for completing a project – time to pull your socks and get going. To stay absolutely on-the-go, practice a proper workout schedule.



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