Mystery solved eats or not eats before exercise?
Eating before Workout for Maximum Results in 2013 We all do exercise in our life get fit but we all have no idea that what to eat before workout? In this blog you will find some answers for this common question. Some researcher says that, if you work out in the morning on an empty stomach our body is going to bring out glycogen stored in the liver and take it to muscle to be broken down into glucose. Second, exercising in the morning with a piece of fruit and 1 cup of milk, your muscles are going to retrieve glucose that is been there in the blood stream for energy. So by this being said, there is less effort for the muscles to uptake energy for your work out. Consequently, glycogen will only leave the liver when low or no glucose flows in the blood. So stored glycogen and fat will always be in their reservoirs until later in the work out or even not leave their storage places (liver and adipose tissue) at all. Everyone knows that athletes must plan and time...