Top Jobs for Rapid salary growth in 2013-14 (100% sure)

Jobs forecast with Rapid salary growth in 2013-14

If you want to make good money in no time, than you are in right place. In this blog I will give some ideas taken from career bear website.

What is rapid salary growth?

This means that your salary earning will go up very fast in compare to general jobs.
Here’s is top list for rapid salary growth in 2013-14

1. Finance Jobs

Finance jobs that are paid by commission based on size of deals, research, customer relations, etc., can make you a lot of money fast.
Requirement: Knowing your product is important.


2. IT Services


 IT Services is a discipline for managing information technology systems. “Folks are redesigning systems to control financial activities. Governance and management of those systems is turning into lucrative business.”
Requirement: These positions are about rebuilding ineffective systems.

3. Upstart Entrepreneur


 High risk entrepreneurial ideas that capture trends in some way can be quite lucrative, quite quickly. There are lots of examples in the gaming and APP development world right now.
Requirement: The key is captivating the hearts of people so the product becomes a smash hit.

4. Oil and Gas Industry Job

This is a broad category with a technical side (engineering, geophysics, geology, etc.) and a business development side (where you would find new opportunities for the sector; water and sustainability initiatives are popular right now).These positions are generally higher incomes to start, and you progress quickly.
Requirement: People make money when times are good so it’s important to make sure there are benefit plans that include long term incentives.

5. Agent

An agent is someone who is authorized to represent another individual (an entertainer or baseball player, for example) who usually makes a lot of money themselves. The job entails negotiating contracts and terms, and having contacts in the industry.

Requirement: Financial success is usually tied into the sales side of things.

6. Commercial Sales Rep

 A commercial sales representative is someone who sells a product or service for a company. There are commercial sales reps in many different industries and the most lucrative include health care (pharmaceuticals), real estate and the financial industry (brokers and bankers). Really, the more you sell, the more you make.” In terms of training, many companies will pay for sales training.
Requirement: You’ve got to have a sales personality, or it will be a flop.


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