User-friendly and Effective guide to get rid of Stains in 2013 Part II

Print and use effective guide to get rid of Stains in 2013

This is my second part blog on get rid of daily Stains in 2013. In this part you will see some more cool ideas. If you know any please add to my blog. In first part we learn how to remove
Alcoholic Beverages/ Wine stains, Baby Formula stains, Blood stains, Chocolate stains, Coffee and Tea stains.

  1. Epoxy (type glue) stains

 Epoxy glue may be impossible to remove. Dry cleaning solvent may cause it to swell so that it can be removed by scraping

  1. Fabric softener stains

Dampen stain and rub with bar soap. Rinse thoroughly and wash in hottest water safe for that fabric.

  1. Feces stains

Soak in cold water for 30 minutes. Avoid hot water or heat to not allow stain to set. Wash in warm water, rinse thoroughly, and re-wash. If persists then repeat. If still persists use a bleach safe for that fabric and person (especially if baby clothing)

  1. Food coloring stains

Rinse thoroughly in cool water. Wash using bleach safe for that fabric. Use hottest water safe for that fabric.

  1. Fruit

Dampen stain and blot with detergent paste. Avoid heat as it can make permanent. Soak for 30 minutes using pre-treatment product. Wash and rinse thoroughly. If persists use a bleach safe for that fabric. Be careful when ironing or drying as heat can set stain.

  1. Furniture Polish stains

Lay faces down onto paper towels. First sponge the dry cleaning fluid from back side. Let air dry, then brush away remaining polish residue. Rinse thoroughly, and wash using hottest water safe for that fabric.

  1. Gasoline stains

Lay face down onto several thicknesses of paper towels. First sponge the dry cleaning fluid from the back side. Let air dry. Rinse thoroughly. If persists blot detergent paste into stain. Wash using hottest water safe for that that fabric.

  1. Glue (white) stains

Scrape off excess with a dull edged knife. Soak in cold water using detergent or a pre-treatment product for at least 30 minutes. Wash in warm water and rinse thoroughly. Avoid hot water or drying as it may cause stain to set.

  1. Grease-Apply de-greasing hand cleaner, or rub with heavy-duty liquid detergent to bring oil to surface of fabric. Pre-wash aerosol detergent booster products work well on grease and oil. Rinse in hottest water safe for that fabric. If persists, lay flat face down on top of several clean paper towels. Sponge with dry cleaning fluid from back side. Let air dry. Rinse thoroughly, and wash.

  1. Gum-Apply ice cube to harden, and then scrape off excess using a dull edged knife. Apply pre-wash treatment. Allow to soak in for 5 minutes. Apply a past of detergent. Rinse thoroughly, and then wash.

  1. Hair Spray-Rinse thoroughly with cool water. Wash using bleach safe for that fabric in hottest water safe for fabric.

  1. Ink-For ball-point pen ink, sponge stain with rubbing alcohol. Rinse thoroughly, rub with detergent paste, then wash.

  1. Ketchup-Remove excess with a dull edged knife. Soak in cold water for 30 minutes. Apply detergent paste or pre-treatment product. Wash using bleach safe for that fabric in hottest water safe for fabric.

  1. Lipstick-Lay stain faces down on top of several clean paper towels. Sponge with dry cleaning fluid from back side. Let air dry and rinse thoroughly. Rub detergent past or heavy-duty liquid detergent into stain. Rinse thoroughly, and then wash using bleach safe for that fabric.

  1. Margarine and Mayonnaise- Soak in cold water and scrape off excess using dull edged knife. Apply pre-treatment product. Soak in warm to cool water for at least 30 minutes. More time may be necessary. Wash in warm to cool water. Avoid any use of heat as it can make stain set. Wash again if necessary.

  1. Mildew-Apply disinfectant to kill the mildew. Remove excess mildew with dull edged knife. Apply detergent and wash using bleach safe for fabric. If persists, sponge with hydrogen peroxide and wash using bleach safe for that fabric.

  1. Mud-Let dry. Remove excess with dull edged knife or brush. Sponge with cold water. Wash in hottest water safe for that fabric. If persists, sponge with rubbing alcohol. If non-colourfast fabric, dilute alcohol using 1 part alcohol to 2 parts water.

  1. Mustard-Blot with detergent paste (do not rub). Pretreat with detergent, and then wash using bleach safe for that fabric. If persists, sponge with rubbing alcohol, then wash.

  1. Oil- Apply de-greasing hand cleaner, or rub with heavy-duty liquid detergent to bring oil to surface of fabric. Pre-wash aerosol detergent booster products work well on grease and oil. Rinse in hottest water safe for that fabric. If persists, lay flat face down on top of several clean paper towels. Sponge with dry cleaning fluid from back side. Let air dry. Rinse thoroughly, and wash.

  1. Pencil lead-Try removing using a clean, dry pencil eraser. If persists, sponge with 50/50 solution of ammonia and water. Rinse thoroughly, and wash.

  1. Perfume-Sponge with 50/50 solution of alcohol and water. Rinse thoroughly. If persists, sponge with 50/50 solution of vinegar and water. Rinse thoroughly, and wash using bleach safe for that fabric.

  1. Perspiration-Sponge with 50/50 solution vinegar and water. Rub with detergent paste and wash using bleach safe for that fabric in hottest water safe for fabric.

  1. Ring around the collar-Apply heavy-duty liquid detergent or a detergent paste. Wait for 30 minutes. A pre-treatment product for this purpose may be useful. Rinse thoroughly, and wash.

  1. Sap (wood resin)-Sponge stain with dry cleaning fluid. Let air dry. Rinse thoroughly. Rub with detergent paste and wash. If persists, apply a few drops of household ammonia. Air dry. Rinse thoroughly. Wash using bleach safe for that fabric in hottest water safe for fabric.

  1. Shoe Polish-Scrape off excess with dull edged knife. Dampened stain and apply detergent paste. Wash using bleach safe for fabric in hottest water safe for that fabric. If persists, sponge with rubbing alcohol (for colourfast fabrics) or a solution of 1 part alcohol to 2 parts water (for non-colourfast fabrics). Rinse thoroughly, and then wash.

  1. Tar-Apply ice and remove excess with a dull edged knife. Apply laundry pre-wash treatment. Allow to penetrate for at least 15 minutes. Apply detergent paste and wash immediately. If persists re-wash using a bleach safe for that fabric. Always check for colour fastness first on an unseen area of fabric.

  1. Urine-Apply 50/50 solution of vinegar and water. Rinse thoroughly, and wash. If persists apply 50/50 solution of ammonia and water. Rinse thoroughly, and wash. For stains on white cotton apply detergent paste or pre-treatment product onto affected area. Then wash in hottest water safe for that fabric.

  1. Vomit-Soak in cold water for at least 30 minutes using a detergent paste or pre-treatment product. Avoid any hot water as it can cause stain to set. Rinse thoroughly and wash in cold or warm water. If persists, repeat. If still persists wash using bleach safe for that fabric.


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