Check your Friend/Lover Attribute for long-lasting friendship or Love life

Why I always fight with me friend or wife?

Here is solution…..
Sometimes we like some people but somehow our friendship or love life never stays for longtime. Here is one mantra which will solve this problem. For this you only have to know your friends/lover birth Zodiac sign. For that you will see his or her unique traits & attributes that lay at the foundation of your personality & character.  In this blog you see all traits related to different birth signs.

Check your Friend/Lover Attribute for long-lasting friendship or Love life
Zodiac birth signs are also known as "sun signs”. Each of us is born under a particular zodiac birth sign, and each of the 12 zodiac birth signs has its own unique traits & attributes that lay at the foundation of your personality & character. However, zodiac birth sign astrology, or "sun-sign astrology" as it is more commonly called, is just one of many other factors that contribute to a proper understanding of what makes you "You". Your zodiac birth sign provides a general overview of the fundamental energies that form the basis for your essential nature, but for a truly comprehensive personality and character profile.
Check your Friend/Lover Attribute

By knowing Zodiac birth signs, you will know your friends or lover weak or strong point. This way you will adjust accordingly and you will have very cool and long lasting relationship.

The Zodiac Birth Sign ARIES:

Born Between- March 21 - April 19
This zodiac birth sign's ruling planets are Mars
This zodiac birth sign's element is Fire
This zodiac birth sign's astrology houses reference is the First House
This zodiac birth sign's keywords are Initiative, Activity, and Enterprise

People born under this zodiac birth sign tend to express themselves assertively, in a manner that is usually direct & sometimes rather aggressive or pushy. Arians have a strong sense of self and a healthy ego, but if this trait is left unchecked, it can develop into an over-identification with the Ego and/or selfish tendencies.
  1. Arians are very expressive, outspoken, alert, quick to make decisions and generous in nature.
  2. Impatience and restless, an Aries is quick tempered and can get offended easily
  3. Arians hate to be subordinate to people and fare well only when they are their own boss.
  4. Their courageous and hard-working nature is their key to their success
  5. They are brave and always ready to fight for a good cause.
  6. They need to be careful in terms of money, as they are capable of incurring extravagant purchases.
  7. They have self and a healthy ego, but if this trait is left unchecked, it can develop into an over-identification with the Ego and/or selfish tendencies.

2. The Zodiac Birth Sign TAURUS

Born Between- April 20-May 20
This zodiac birth sign's ruling planet -Venus
This zodiac birth sign's element - Earth
This zodiac birth sign's astrology houses reference is the Second House
This zodiac birth sign's keywords are Possessions, Determination, and Practicality

This zodiac birth sign individuals are generally characterized as slow and methodical individuals, usually practical in their approach. Once determined, they have incredible will power to achieve things and exert a lot of self-discipline over themselves.

  1. This zodiac birth sign people can be relentless- it just doesn't believe in giving up. They have tremendous patience and immense will power.
  2. Taurus individuals are not risk takers and always weigh their decisions properly.
  3. They are very cheerful and jovial in nature and can easily display care and affection for others
  4. Taurus individual are practical, patient, purposeful, constant, obstinate, earthly, warm and sensual.
  5. They are materialistic in nature and are known for their down-to-earth approach.
  6. This zodiac birth sign is not inclined to self-analysis, so is not usually aware of their inner motives

3. The Zodiac Birth Sign- GEMINI

Born between-May 21-June 21
This zodiac birth sign's ruling planet - Mercury
This zodiac birth sign's element - Air
This zodiac birth sign's astrology houses reference - Third House
This zodiac birth sign's keywords are Mentality, Versatility and Nonconformist

This zodiac birth sign individuals who like to use their mind -Gemini's are usually thirsty for knowledge and keen to study .People born under this zodiac birth sign usually have a well-developed capacity for learning and an inventive imagination. They are also well known for being chatty, sociable people who take an interest in everything and everyone around them.

1.      Having a happy temperament, they can be best defined as free souls.
2.        A Gemini is a great story teller, having an aptitude to make life a little more appealing for everyone.

3.      They are sometimes designated as egocentric and restless individuals, who might get unstable and unpredictable over certain issues.
4.      Gemini's also possess a highly curious nature - they are always searching for personal intellectual security in the middle of their constantly changing experiences.
5.      Gemini's can have unconventional attitudes to personal relationships - they find it very hard to commit or act in ways that are "expected" or that are the "social norm.
6.      This zodiac birth sign needs a lot of personal space and freedom within any close relationship, if it is to go a distance.

How to find Free Characteristic of your friend or lovers for long-lasting friendship or Love life
This is my second blog on finding free Characteristic or personality of your friend or lovers for long-lasting friendship or Love life. In first part we learn the traits of birth signs


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