Free personality or TRAIT identifier for your Long-lasting healthy Relationship (Part 3)



Free TRAIT or personality finder for your Long-lasting healthy Relationship in 2013

This is my third blog on finding free Characteristic or personality of your friend or lovers for long-lasting friendship or Love life. In first 2 parts we learn the traits of birth signs
In this third blog you will see three more sign to check out Characteristic or personality of your friend or love.

Free personality or TRAIT identifier

7. The Zodiac Birth Sign Libra

Born Between- September 23 - October 22
This zodiac birth sign's ruling planet -Venus
This zodiac birth sign's element - Air
This zodiac birth sign's astrology houses reference is the Seventh House
This zodiac birth sign's keywords are Harmony, Balance and Companionship

Free personality or TRAIT identifier
Librans are optimistic and cheerful people with the ability to delight and charm their friends and associates. They are extremely sociable and easy going and make friends easily. Librans are diplomatic in nature and prefer to keep everyone happy.

1.      Those born under this zodiac birth sign also tend to seek the approval of others, but are not inclined to compromise their principles in order to get it, for risking any kind of humiliation is something this zodiac birth sign would simply never do.
2.      Librans are concerned with the present and will initiate activities, rather than wait for them to come along of their own accord.
3.      They have a strong sense for aesthetics, so are drawn to things that please the eye.
4.      Since Libra is in an Air sign, those born under it are rather intellectual and actively seek knowledge, new ideas, and mental stimulation.
5.      Librans rarely express anger, but when they do it is as though a tornado has gone through a room - they leave nothing unsaid. They will tell you exactly what you said 20 years ago and under what circumstances you said it! Yet, like the tornado, their anger soon spends itself, usually leaving them feeling rather shaken and ill.
6.      Their natural charm, pleasant demeanour and diplomatic nature make it easy for them to get along with others, and for others to warm to them.

Free personality or TRAIT identifier


8. The Zodiac Birth Sign SCORPIO

Born Between- October 23-November 21
This zodiac birth sign's ruling planet -Mars and Pluto
This zodiac birth sign's element - Water
This zodiac birth sign's astrology houses reference is the Eighth House
This zodiac birth sign's keywords are Regeneration, Resourcefulness and Secrecy

Born with an electrifying personality, Scorpions are known to have an intense and powerful nature. They believe in one philosophy - life is meant to be lived either to the fullest or not at all.

1.      Scorpions can be deadly dangerous people in terms of anger. Once wronged or once their pride has been diminished, the game of courtesy is over and you can expect merciless lashing.
2.      Those born under this zodiac birth sign possess power, will, and intense emotional desires. Their life can be a constant struggle to conquer desire through the creative use of their will.
3.      Scorpio can work like a man possessed to get something done, and tackle their projects seeking perfection in all details.
4.      An interesting quality in Scorpio individuals are that whenever they find that their life is getting boring and dull, they find a new way to make it exciting and interesting once again.
5.      Ardent defenders of justice, even in the face of death, people with this zodiac birth sign have tremendous staying power and will see any matter through to the bitter end, regardless of how much effort this requires or what sacrifices are involved.
6.      Scorpio's are very curious people - they have an intense drive to investigate the nature of things and discover the causes behind any outward manifestation.
7.      Scorpios are not always diplomatic, because they believe in expressing their ideas and feelings with unfiltered truthfulness. They much prefer to remain silent than offer a watered down version of their personal opinions and emotions.

9. The Zodiac Birth Sign SAGITTARIUS

Born Between- November 22-December 21
This zodiac birth sign's ruling planet -Jupiter
This zodiac birth sign's element - Fire
This zodiac birth sign's astrology houses reference is the Ninth House
This zodiac birth sign's keywords are Aspiration, Love of Freedom and Exploration

The individuals who fall under this sign are generally found to be optimistic in nature. Sagittarians are always full of energy, with a versatile and adventurous mind.

1.      Sagittarians are susceptible to anger, even if the matter is of trifle nature. Once angry, it is difficult to get them back to their cheerful self again.
2.      Those born under this zodiac birth sign are known for their honesty and straightforwardness, together with their love for liberty and freedom.
3.      Sagittarius individuals are very hard working and never shy away from responsibilities. On the other hand, when it's the time for them to relax their nerves, they prefer to pamper themselves with luxuries and comforts.
4.      This zodiac birth sign can produce individuals who would be wise to try and learn to advance beyond the lowest common denominator of the thinking of the current social, religious, and philosophical groups in the society to which they belong.
5.      Sagittarians frequently have an ability to intuit what will happen in the future, through their understanding of current trends of thought. Sometimes, their insights border on being premonitory
6.      Sagittarians are reliable people and profound thinkers, gifted with foresight and good judgment. Being highly creative, they like to express their artistic talents in their daily life.
7.      Sagittarians are the quickest learners amongst all the other sun signs.


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