Some other good Daily habits to impressing your boss for success in your job

Free Tips for impressing your boss for success in your job

This is my second part of blog on impressing your boss for success in your job.

 Be a Team Player

 Is someone on the office team way behind on something or buried in a big project? Offer to help out if you have the time and are caught up on your duties.

impressing your boss for success in your job

Nice Dress for Success

Dressing appropriately for work and proper grooming should be  obvious. In the larger office, there often seems to be an employee or two that forget this rule.

 Don’t be a clock watcher

If you show up at the very minute it’s time to start work and leave exactly at “quitting time” your boss will eventually notice. Doing this sometimes is ok, especially on a Friday. Show your boss you are more task oriented than clock oriented by showing up  early and leaving late once in a while.
impressing your boss for success in your job

 Be a Non Forgetter

Keep a To Do list and complete the tasks that get over looked.

 Keep Current in your job line

Keep up to date on your industry. Read Trade  Journal, Magazines, online articles, etc. Whatever it takes to keep current, do it. Bringing up a new innovation in your industry is a great way to impress.

impressing your boss for success in your job

Organization in work area

Keep a clean and organized work area. A messy desk is not seen by all as a sign of genius.

 Be a Budgeter

See a way your company can save money?  Mention it to your boss. Even if your idea isn’t acted upon, your boss will see you care.

 Traveling preparation

Be over prepared and bring some extras. Going on  an out of town trip with the boss? People often forget things when they travel. Bring some extras. If your boss has a headache for example, you can come to the rescue.

 Quality in work

 Do your absolute best and then check your work again. If your work is consistent in quality, people will see you’re dependable and more than able to do the job.

There are obviously many other ways to impress the boss. But this gives you a good starting point. Blogmakesmoney wishes you the greatest of success in your career.


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